Piggylicious Design Competition

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The guinea was from a pattern. The tree was from something I found on Pinterest and fancied having a go at (we haven't got room in our house for a 'proper' tree so I made the fabric one to sit on top of the TV speakers) and the pudding was my own experimental design and I was chuffed it worked so well.

HOpe you feel better soon @GPTV - no fun being ill over Christmas.

Well that's a fab idea, space saving and pretty, thanks for taking part :)
Fabulous, I love it! :D Did you make that piggy yourself? I've been looking all over for a sewing pattern, you don't happen to know where I could find any do you? I love the little Xmas pud and the tree is ace :)

Yes, I made the piggy myself. The pattern was, I think, originally from a friend of my step-mother-in-law and was passed onto me a while ago. If it's not copywrited I'll be happy to photocopy it and send it on to you.

I love making toys and make quite a few (I finished a dragon last night). I sewed the piggy a while a go in an attempt to cheer up my boar Brunel who'd just lost his companion. He didn't appreciate it!
@Tewdric oh WOW that's so cute! :luv:

did you do the flooofie guinea, tree & pudding with a pattern or was it a cut, sew & hope for the best designs (with a very good outcome may i add:clap:).
i was tempted to have a go with something for this, but i've been poorly since xmas :soz: so that decided that :(

Sorry to hear that you've not been well, that's rubbish, particularly over Xmas. Don't worry though I'll be hosting another competition nearer to Easter which you'd be more than welcome to enter if you'd like to. :)
Yes, I made the piggy myself. The pattern was, I think, originally from a friend of my step-mother-in-law and was passed onto me a while ago. If it's not copywrited I'll be happy to photocopy it and send it on to you.

I love making toys and make quite a few (I finished a dragon last night). I sewed the piggy a while a go in an attempt to cheer up my boar Brunel who'd just lost his companion. He didn't appreciate it!

If you could that'd be fantastic, but don't worry if not as wouldn't want you to be breaking any copyright laws etc. I'm going to have a go at drawing my own pattern soon for some plush piggies as I want to make some for Easter, but I'll see what it turns out like first lol. I'm only a novice sewer but I want to venture into making piggy themed toys in the future. :)
Looking at the amazon link that kit looks very similar in shape to my finished fluffy pig. It looks like I've been gifted with a plagarised pattern. :oops:
Ahh well not to worry, you weren't to know. It's not like you are trying to sell it, you've just made it for your own personal use. :)
Apologies for the delay in closing this, I ended up being busier than I predicted yesterday.

Ok the winner is @Tewdric, congratulations!

Your score was resourcefulness: 9 out of 10
original idea: 7 out of 10
creativity 8 out of 10

that gives you an overall score of 24 out of a possible 30, well done!

I'll message you shortly to arrange delivery.

THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED - I'll be hosting another contest nearer to Easter time, so stay tuned!
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