Piggy Pals

Good news! Sandy has finished all of her medication and is maintaining her weight. I continue to taper syringe feeding. Today was only 3 feedings and tomorrow will be only 2. I want to gradually decrease it and continue to weigh her daily in hopes of catching any issues if they arise. She went for her last fluids treatment today. She won't need anymore of those unless she stops eating on her own again. At this point, I am cautiously optimistic, but it seems like things are on the mend. I keep telling myself to be grateful for every good day that she has and hope that she has many more of them ahead of her!
How is Sandy now?
Thanks for asking! She has not needed any syringe feeding. I've been reducing how often I weigh her so I was still weighing her daily until this week when I switched to every 2 to 3 days and her weight continues to be stable. Her poos look normal. The only concerning thing was that on two occasions recently she seemed to be whining when going to the bathroom so I've been keeping an eye on that. If I see anything like that again then I'll schedule a vet appointment. Other than that she seems to be doing well.
Aw beautiful Sandy I hope you keep well. Wheeky wheeks from The Ever Beautiful Betsy, Little Meg and Pretty Patsy!
Got the girls their first carrot cottage recently. It was easy to get a picture of Penny happily chewing away at it, but Sandy is so skittish. Just now, I was finally able to catch a picture of her enjoying it. 20210618_125718.jpg20210618_125712.jpg
It's cage cleaning day and I'm just sitting here watching my girls play (what appears to be) a game of "the floor is lava" with the exposed coro section of the cage. They have been dancing around that side of their L-shaped cage refusing to come any closer until their fleece has been replaced. They sure have me trained well!
Chippy snuggling on my lap. She's the only piggy we have that will sit for laptime and even take a nap if she's offered a blanket to snuggle in. Just don't try to move because the princess does not like to be disturbed.