Piggy Pals

I’m so sorry you lost Chippy so unexpectedly. Such a shock for you. She sounded like a wonderful piggy. Take care ❤️
Oh I’m so sorry you’ve lost gorgeous Chippy so suddenly, what a horrible shock for you :( She was so lovely. Really hope you’re ok, sending massive hugs xx
Sleep tight beautiful Chippy ❤️ xx
Very sad news tonight. Our piggy, Chippy, died suddenly this evening. One minute, she was running around the cage happy as can be and the next minute she was gone. She had no significant health issues that we were aware of. There were no signs of illness. She died within minutes so hopefully she was not in pain. We don't know what happened. She just went limp all of a sudden. We rushed her to a general veterinary ER, but she died before we got there. The staff at the hospital were able to help us arrange cremation. We just lost Chippy's cagemate, Lilly, a few weeks ago. As far as we know, Lilly did not have anything that was contagious. We are devastated. Chippy was a snuggle bug and more like a little doggo than a guinea pig. We tried not to play favorites, but Chippy was undoubtedly our favorite. I could write a book about how special she was. I may make a proper Rainbow Bridge post in the future, but for now I knew I just needed to get this out. Thank you for listening. I know we'll get through this, but this is going to be a tough loss, to say the least.
So very sorry to read this.
It’s such a shock when they go so suddenly.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Thank you everyone for the kind words. It is very much appreciated. It really helps my family and I that we have TGPF to turn to for other ppl who understand what it means to lose a fur baby. ❤️
So Penny and Sandy have been on a critical care regime recently and the antics between these girls are just hilarious. Penny is the "piggy in charge," but only because Sandy lets her continue to believe that. For example, I just put the bowl of CC down in the cage between them. Sandy knows that Penny is going to try to hog it. (Don't worry, I always make sure they each get some). But Sandy has it covered anyway. You can see her go into her hidey.
She turned around and then yanked the bowl of CC right up to her hidey so that Penny couldn't chase her away. Smart girl! I just love the look on Penny's face. It's like I caught her mid-thought trying to work out what just happened and where she went wrong.
I've posted a bit about our newest piggy, Peanut, on the thread "We might be getting a new piggy" but I wanted to properly add her into our Piggy Pals thread with all of our other piggies. Please welcome Peanut a 3 year old sow who needed a new home. She's a cuddle bug, but also has a bit of a sassy streak that we just adore. Peanut pigture spam below...
Aw I’d totally missed you have a new addition as not been on, welcome Peanut you little beauty! :love: Hope she’s settling in well :)