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piggy fighting and abcesses

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Hi my piggies have started fighting to the point where I have had to seperate them, Pippin has taken a chunk out of Fudges ear, and it looks like he has been biting Fudges ears for a while. Fudge has aken a chunk out of Pippins Nose, the bit between his eyes. They also ripped a lot of fur out of each others bodies. This has now formed into abcesses and I was wondering how to treat them withoput having to go to the vets as I haven't much money. I love them too much to get rid of one and now they have seperate cages and are always arguing. Help !!
if its an abcess, it will need vet treatment probably antibiotics and draining.. should cost you too much but if they are left they can pop and then you may be looking at surgery to remove it which is much more costly.
Sadly, if an abscess bursts, it can back up into the guinea pigs organs and be deadly. I have been back and forth to the vets for almost 5 months with abscesses. It was costly when they had to do surgery, but now that my piggie is bigger, they lanced and drained it instead of operating. It saved me a ton of money to do it that way. Your piggie will need a strong antibiotic to kill the infection. I have read on other web sites that some people have left the abscess and it popped and drained on its own, but I don't think I would take that chance. The infection could spread inside. Abscesses grow rapidly, so I would take him to the vet asap. Give your piggies bigs hugs and kisses from me and Ricky....... :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
welcome to the forums from us in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: do you have a guinea pig savvy vet that you see regularly? maybe they will allow you to do a payment plan where you pay a certain amount each week.
we spent over $1,200.00 with surgery and treatment for zoe( around 700 pounds) and just this week have spent over $600.00 on ultrasound and biopsy for missy the cat (around 400 pounds) and she will need either surgery, bowel x ray or chest x ray. my vet allows me to pay $50.00 one week and $100.00 the next week. so if you know your vet and are a regular perhaps you can discuss a payment plan with them.
sending pippin and fudge hugs and cuddles and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
one of my guinea pigs had an abcess under on her chest, I took her to the vet and he drained it and gave her antibotics. Everyday I bathed the scab with warm salt water, my mum squeezed it to get some of the puss out. Once it healed it never came back, i was lucky she didnt have to have anything else done to it.

However its only happened once I havent noticed them fighting, hope this has been helpful, hope fudge and pippin get better soon, let me know how they are x x x
Thank you all so much for your concern and best wishes. The advice you all gave me was great and I have sorted out a payment plan with my local vet. He said at the moment they are just minor cuts and grazes that became infected and because we caught them early enough, antibiotics should be enough. The lumps have gone down a lot and I have been giving them salt water baths twice a day, and squeezing out any pus that has formed. They will never be allowed to share a cage again, but at least they are both well. They still talk to each other and seem very happy.

Once again thankyou all.

Kavvy xx.
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