Piggie with a bad foot


Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 18, 2019
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Happy New Year and evening everyone!

I just would like some help on what to do as I feel my two year old pig Luna has hurt her front leg/foot.

I was putting he back in the pen when she jumped out of my hands to the floor. My hand wasn't that high from the floor but where she has jumped I think she has hurt her leg or foot as I noticed she was limping on it straight after.

I took her out to examine her and she wasn't letting out any signs of pain or discomfort and was eating nuggets when offering them to her. I felt all up her leg, arm and gently squeezed them and she was fine so I'm just confused. The foot that she won't put on the floor isn't bleeding, looks bruised or damaged in anyway.

She is back in with the others now but hasn't come out of her corner since putting her back. When I put her back I could tell something was up as she wouldn't put her foot on the floor when walking. She isn't letting out any whimpering sounds and is just chilling by the looks of it and sometimes grooming, but overall looks relaxed. We have given her hay to eat as she won't come out the corner and is eating that.

If she was letting out signs of pain and looked as though she was in extreme pain I would take her to an emergency out of hours vet tonight, but as she does not seem to be like that I will wait till tomorrow and call them if there is no improvement.

I would just like to get peoples opinions on what they think it could be? Or if they have experienced this before?
Please do have her checked by a vet tomorrow. (if the jump was from a height and there is any risk she landed on her body/awkwardly and has potentially caused any internal injuries, then she should be seen urgently).
Piggies will hide their pain and not necessarily make whimpering sounds but the fact she isn’t putting her foot down suggests she is in discomfort and will probably need pain relief for a few days
Please do have her checked by a vet tomorrow. (if the jump was from a height and there is any risk she landed on her body/awkwardly and has potentially caused any internal injuries, then she should be seen urgently).
Piggies will hide their pain and not necessarily make whimpering sounds but the fact she isn’t putting her foot down suggests she is in discomfort and will probably need pain relief for a few days
Thank you! It is looking like a trip to the vets will be needed. Will call them first thing tomorrow
Hi, hopefully it is just a sprain but I would have her vet checked tomorrow if there is no improvement as she may benefit from a course of pain relief and anti inflammatory such as metacam
Hi, hopefully it is just a sprain but I would have her vet checked tomorrow if there is no improvement as she may benefit from a course of pain relief and anti inflammatory such as metacam
That is what we are thinking it is. Good thing is when I refilled their hay for the night she came hopping out and is stuffing her face so glad she’s eating. Have also put a couple of extra soft blankets around the cage
Hi, hopefully it is just a sprain but I would have her vet checked tomorrow if there is no improvement as she may benefit from a course of pain relief and anti inflammatory such as metacam
Woke up this morning to give them their morning nuggets and she gladly stuffed them down and is eating hay. She still lifts her foot up when walking but not when eating so will take her this morning
It only takes one bad landing to hurt a leg. Let us know how you get on.

I once found Dexter limping. He was still charging around as mad as normal and eating as normal, but he was definitely limping so was obviously sore. He liked to climb on the roof of his house (he doesn’t do it now his years are advancing), and I think he must have landed awkwardly when he jumped off.
In the consultation room, having limped all day until the appointment time, he proudly walked around the floor as if nothing was wrong. Vet was knowledgeable and recognised his prey instinct and knew he must have been hiding his injury in the unfamiliar environment. Prescribed a week of metacam. When I got them home, I put Dex back in the cage and he immediately went back to limping again! A few days later the pain meds had done their job and he was feeling better.
It only takes one bad landing to hurt a leg. Let us know how you get on.

I once found Dexter limping. He was still charging around as mad as normal and eating as normal, but he was definitely limping so was obviously sore. He liked to climb on the roof of his house (he doesn’t do it now his years are advancing), and I think he must have landed awkwardly when he jumped off.
In the consultation room, having limped all day until the appointment time, he proudly walked around the floor as if nothing was wrong. Vet was knowledgeable and recognised his prey instinct and knew he must have been hiding his injury in the unfamiliar environment. Prescribed a week of metacam. When I got them home, I put Dex back in the cage and he immediately went back to limping again! A few days later the pain meds had done their job and he was feeling better.
We definitely think she’s hiding it well but we’re just glad she’s still eating and drinking. Will keep you updated
It only takes one bad landing to hurt a leg. Let us know how you get on.

I once found Dexter limping. He was still charging around as mad as normal and eating as normal, but he was definitely limping so was obviously sore. He liked to climb on the roof of his house (he doesn’t do it now his years are advancing), and I think he must have landed awkwardly when he jumped off.
In the consultation room, having limped all day until the appointment time, he proudly walked around the floor as if nothing was wrong. Vet was knowledgeable and recognised his prey instinct and knew he must have been hiding his injury in the unfamiliar environment. Prescribed a week of metacam. When I got them home, I put Dex back in the cage and he immediately went back to limping again! A few days later the pain meds had done their job and he was feeling better.
Took her to the vets and thankfully nothing is broken. He noticed her elbow was quite swollen so has given her pain relief of metacam for 1-2 weeks 0.12ml. She wouldn’t take it from the syringe so had to put it on some food
Took her to the vets and thankfully nothing is broken. He noticed her elbow was quite swollen so has given her pain relief of metacam for 1-2 weeks 0.12ml. She wouldn’t take it from the syringe so had to put it on some food

I'm glad nothing is broken.
Hopefully she will realise metacam tastes nice and she will start to take it easily!
Keep us posted on her progress