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Piece of fur sticking up ?

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Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
Hey, I've just checked Connie and Eliza whilst feeding them and noticed that Connie had a little bit of fur sticking up. When I stroke her there she runs off and wheeks (not in a painful way though). I have picked her up and had a good look but there doesn't seem to be anything on her skin. Just wondering if she could have scratched herself or if Lizzy could have done something to her? It has been like this before and her fur smoothed out on its own. It's just the fact she wheeked and wasn't particular happy about me touching the area. She doesn't really like to be touched though apart from cuddle time when she's handled. Any idea's?
i would just keep an eye on them and see if you can see any disagreement between them or whether she is acting differently. perhaps at cuddle time you can get a better look and feel and see if she is in pain. hoping all is well connie and that eliza is behaving herself O0 hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
She could have scraped it herself with over enthusiastic scratching, which could mean lice? Otherwise Connie might have had a nip from Eliza. If theres no scabbing in the area nor any sign of a wound I wouldn't worry - she may just be irritated by it sticking up the wrong way, they hate their fur brushed the wrong way! Part the hair and check for white wiggly things, these are lice xx0
Treat with lice and easy from gorgeous guineas
I checked her fur and skin and luckily there was nothing there. I think she may have just scraped herself or something. Her fur has gone back to normal now and she isn't making a sound when I touch the area. Probably something really stupid but I suppose it's better to be sure O0
I personally don't think it's ever stupid to ask about something if you're not sure. I've even taken animals to the vets before now and told them I'd rather be safe than sorry. Then, if there is something wrong you know you've done the right thing, and if there's nothing, then at least you've checked it out.
i took zoe to the vet once cause now and again she would be jerking, found out that the reason zoe was jerking was cause the vet said she had hiccups :embarassed: i felt a dill 98) but glad i got it checked out. and the only dumb question is the one never asked O0 good luck with your girls :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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