Pictures wanted for our Breeds picture guide

Has anybody got a sheba or a sheba mini yak? They are some new specialist breeds that make only rarely into pet homes.

This is a cinnamon agouti picture of your peanut. I have found on searches


Do you have a day lit full body picture of Peanut that I could use for our coat colour guide? Unfortunately, this guide has been in a bit of a mess as well since some links have broken in recent updates and my previous picture just disappeared into a black hole.

That would pretty much sort out that guide! Phew...
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Here's solid black Cuddles (well minus one white foot but you cant see that here 😁)

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Flora is silver agouti and white I think?

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Is Edgar Allen Pig a minipli perhaps?

He is gorgeous but I think perhaps a lunky rather than minipli?

Miniplis look like piggies with a big afro. To be honest, I am really not into all the new designer breeds because I just feel sorry for those piggies. :(

(Googled image)
So here are the updated guides with a bit of a face lift. Just short of a couple of satin pictures and a cinnamon agouti - I've now got all the 5 other shades covered with a picture.

I want to thank all of you who have so generously offered their pictures and who have given me a choice to fill the slots in line with the existing presentation where the link to the previous pictures unfortunately got broken in recent updates; I have been unable to recover all pictures. The guides were in a bit of a mess as a result.

Unfortunately, I can't fit in all your pictures.

Here are the links to the spruced up guides at the top of the breeds section.
I have also copied the Satin chapter (with further information links) in to a separate link for parsing purposes and for people searching for satins, so we have got special guides covering both satins and lethals stickied at the top.

What breed are my guinea pigs? Picture guide to common pet breeds

Picture guide to guinea pig coat colours / agouti shadings / roaning

Satins and satin disease (SGPS syndrome, fibrous-osteoporosis)
So here are the updated guides with a bit of a face lift. Just short of a couple of satin pictures and a cinnamon agouti - I've now got all the 5 other shades covered with a picture.

I want to thank all of you who have so generously offered their pictures and who have given me a choice to fill the slots in line with the existing presentation where the link to the previous pictures unfortunately got broken in recent updates; I have been unable to recover all pictures. The guides were in a bit of a mess as a result.

Unfortunately, I can't fit in all your pictures.

Here are the links to the spruced guides at the top of the breeds section.
I have also copied the Satin chapter (with further information links) in to a separate link for parsing purposes and for people searching for satins, so we have got special guides covering covering satins and lethals stickied at the top.

What breed are my guinea pigs? Picture guide to common pet breeds

Picture guide to guinea pig coat colours / agouti shadings / roaning

Satins and satin disease (SGPS syndrome, fibrous-osteoporosis)
Great job as always Wiebke! Was nice to see Emily’s photo used :nod:
I have two, Heimdall and Freyr. Would you like me to take some photos? What angles are you looking for?


Yes, please. That would be great! I would like a more sideways picture (as with all breed pictures in the guide) but perhaps one that also captures their characteristic face at the same time since that is the biggest giveaway for that particular breed?

It's not a proper show breeding guide, just one for helping our members to work out what has gone into their piggies so I prefer to run it with forum member pictures where I cannot supply my own.
Have a look at it: What-breed-are-my-guinea-pigs? Picture-guide-to-common-pet-breeds.
Sorry @Wiebke I've been away. I'll attach a picture in case you still need it, I think Peanut was a Lemon?

View attachment 253645

I did notice the other day that the Himalayan picture no longer worked. I have one if needed.

View attachment 253646

Thank you ever so much! Both pictures are better than what I have got now. Peanut us a strapping example of an agouti (breed). I currently don't have a full body image.
PS: Peanut looks more like a cream agouti to me? Brown base with cream tips? Can you check, please whether the base hair is brown or black.

I love himis but the closest I ever got to one was Carwyn with his seasonal small smudge on his nose. What is your himi's name?
The revamped guides are looking really great again. Just a few last holes to fill:
- satin on its own and a satin next to a normal piggy for comparison @fluffysal
- mini sheba yak @Grand Guinea Pigs
- cinnamon agouti (brown base hair with with white tips - they are the rarest of all agouti shadings)
Peanuts base hair was brown. We sadly lost him in 2021 at the age of 7. The Himi is Duck, he came to me with that name he'd had it for 3 or 4 years (exact age unknown) and answers to it so I didn't have the heart to change it! Duck was brought to me from a rescue it was such a surprise when he came out of the carrier!
Peanuts base hair was brown. We sadly lost him in 2021 at the age of 7. The Himi is Duck, he came to me with that name he'd had it for 3 or 4 years (exact age unknown) and answers to it so I didn't have the heart to change it! Duck was brought to me from a rescue it was such a surprise when he came out of the carrier!

Then Peanut is actually a cream agouti! :yahoo:
Duck - what a stunner. ❤️
I find it highly irritating when some people describe rescue piggies as 'boring brown jobs'. The rescue piggies that have arrived here sight unseen have usually been anything but!

But I always try my best to adapt any previous names from loving homes or that the piggy is listening to into a similar sounding Welsh name.
Although I drew a line at Lady Gigglepig - she became Helygen 'Willow' (her previous owner's choice from a shortlist). He was forbidden by his landlord to get her a new companion after his cancer piggy Charlie died and was desperately looking for a home he could stay in contact with. Not least because Nerys 'Lady' was already taken...

And why Teggy ended up with a double name: Tegwen for her daily use name of 'Tiggy' and Draenog 'hedgehog' for her official rescue name of Mrs Tiggywinkle which I had been asked to keep by the rescue.
By that time I'd already gone through Tegyd, Tegan (twice, the first time didn't stick) and later I also added Tegeirian in memory of Tegan...
As my boys are separated, is it ok to put them together for a picture?
Also Sir George has a hint of magpie about him, more on one side and some definite roan patches if you're interested.
I will get them doing a proper modelling session for me tomorrow no matter what.
As my boys are separated, is it ok to put them together for a picture?
Also Sir George has a hint of magpie about him, more on one side and some definite roan patches if you're interested.
I will get them doing a proper modelling session for me tomorrow no matter what.

Yes. Just have a carrier next by so you can split asap and sprinkle pellets or fresh grass around to act as a distraction.
That is how I get my Cornish family reunion pictures - just with 2-3 carriers on stand by. ;)

Truly appreciated. Just snap away and choose the best picture of the lot. I would recommend that you take the single satin, preferably sideways first and then do the boy comparison second so you do not have to work with an upset.

If you can also get a magpie picture of Sir George, that would be also appreciated. I haven't got any magpie markings in the collection, just a proper roan breed and a dalmatian with polka dots.
Are any of these any use for showing the difference in coat shine? I'm so used to seeing it that it's hard to judge.View attachment 254219View attachment 254220View attachment 254221

Yes, thank you for going to the trouble of reuniting your boys shortly! That is abolutely perfect. You can really see the difference in the shimmer between a normal healthy coat and a satin coat in the comparison.

I am so grateful for your effort! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

PS: I have integrated it into the breeds guide, the satin guide and the coat colours guide.