Personal statement

Back at school on Monday and although I wrote a few things down, it’s been so busy I do apologise for promising to reply sooner.

Anyway hope this helps and you haven’t had to submit your personal statement already.

How you would make a positive impact? ... give examples.
Building relationships with pupils, parents and staff. Trust.
How you would challenge pupils by encouraging their self belief and attitudes to their own learning.
Acknowledge that “one size doesn’t fit all” .... all children are different and learn in different ways.
How do you anticipate you will manage your lesson planning?
How you will provide pupils with engaging lessons?

Another good way is to look at vacancy adverts and personal specifications.

Please do let me know how you get on ... all the best 👍x
Thank you @Goldie
I’ve yet to write it but I’ve got more of an idea on how to start it.

I was in for the day at my children’s school and really enjoyed it. I was nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. But it was absolutely fine. I can’t wait to go back next week.

The personal statement only allows about 4000 characters. So I’ll see what I can squeeze in. Wish me luck 😬
Hope all goes well.
If you are involved in church safeguarding you will probably have a very good grasp of the issue. Most churches are really on the ball with safeguard.

Hope all progresses well for you
Yes I am @Merab's Slave i actually did C1 recently so have a better grasp.

I have to decide whether to do salaried or the other route where I’d have to pay fees 😬 problem is we can’t afford for me to not be working. But if I do with maths there’s potential for a bursary....
I've not had to apply for a job for a few years & I've no teaching experience, but could adding into your personal statement a few things like examples of your awareness of equality, diversity & disability issues as they all seem to be key qualities in most jobs & society generally these days?
some careers have core competencies that need to be covered, is there any way you could find ones relevant to your application & again use examples of your experiences to give an enhanced impression of your personal characteristics?

i don't know if this is any help, or if others experienced in the teaching field would agree but just a thought.
good luck x