Pepper & Pringles Thread

We certainly do! They have three in the cage at the moment including their ice pod. He is now fully lying on top of it bless him.. might give him a go over with the clippers to get rid of his wool jumper!
I’ve just trimmed Posh again today, she looks like “Shaun the sheep” I’ve left her head hair but the rest is really short, sort of velvety 😊
We are off on a city break to Prague for a long weekend, the boys are at their borders, after the initial trauma that is the car for Pringle he soon settles in!

And obviously a trip to the airport means early morning mimosas!
We are back from our little city break, boys had a great time at the boarders, we are still giving Pepper top ups, his current fav is Emeraid which he has been tucking straight into!
Pepper finally returned to 1100g this morning !
June was the last time he was above 1100g when he got I’ll with his URI, I would like to see about another 30-50g of gains so will still be giving him a bowl of top ups each day but we are going in the right direction! 8F57628D-389E-44B7-B70C-AD95250AE681.webp9646C1FE-514D-41BE-B0E4-63FA3B425195.webp