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Penicillin G Injections

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Went back to the orginal vet. Said dont be so scared of the shots as the dosage is low and doesnt make it into the tummy.
They took his blood and made plasma and scraped some of the damage off his eye.
I was kinda impressed by that.
He is really trying to avoid surgery and was sad it wasnt better
The newish vet was simply - remove eye for 1200 USD
Well up to the point it is happening.
New vet is likely who I am going with.
The other vet was a bit more but the main thing is I asked for metacam and never got calls back which made me mad.
Went for one more visit. Surgery was 1500.
Going with the 1200 dolalr one wish me luck.
I am scared. I dont want to lose my little buddy
I realize this is an old thread, but my piggy recently got prescribed penicillin g injections. I’m worried about her because of all of the negative effects this medication can have on her GI tract. Did you ever end up giving your piggy the penicillin injections? If yes, how did your piggy do?
I realize this is an old thread, but my piggy recently got prescribed penicillin g injections. I’m worried about her because of all of the negative effects this medication can have on her GI tract. Did you ever end up giving your piggy the penicillin injections? If yes, how did your piggy do?

The original poster hasn’t logged back on the forum since 2021 so you aren’t likely to receive an answer to this I’m afraid.
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