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Peeing Pooping Piggy

  • Thread starter Thread starter MapleOwl18
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One of my piggies, Bumblebee is a little weird. He poops and pees constantly even when you get him out. Its like 4-9 poops to every pee. Its like poop poop....pee. He doesn't even seem to notice it. He does this both in and out of his cage. Does he have something? I'm going to the vet tomorrow to make sure Linus' URI has gone away and was going to ask her about that. Any ideas?
my guinea pig is the same. i clean the cage and 5 mins later theres poo everywhere
piggies tummies are usually working all the time hence the poops, which is why it isn't good for the piggies to be without food for more than 6 hours. guinea pigs are small little poopping jelly bean machines. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: glad linus is better too. :-* :-* :-*
my piggie does the same thing! he fires out magic beans all the time! ::)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D you have your own poooooop machine there O0
unless your piggie is not drinking or eating or the poops are clumped together or loose i'd not worry, you've got a beautiful piggie who's doing very nicely by the sounds of it :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Bumblebee lovely name :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Sounds normal to me, you could maybe train him? move his poops in a corner of the box, so his cleaner. Also if he poops/pee's out of the box put him back with out petting or feeding him, so he knows not to do it anywhere but his poop pile. If he is good give him a treat. I have trained mine and shes great, but also if he is not that intelligent he might not get these steps. If out the box listen to your pig, they often talk when they need to go!
I used to have a very dum little girl, she was lovely but never all their, she would poo non stop and wee! She would even nibble her own feet for no reason. All sounds fine, not worth a vet visit to me. ;D
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