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Patch is having an operation tomorrow!

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furryfriends (TEAS)

Forum Founder
Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (East Hunsbury) Northampton
Patch is having an operation to remove a small lump from his back tomorrow. As long as it all goes well he will be home tomorrow evening. He has taken his best friend Ben in with him too so he isn't lonely. :smitten:


Here is Patch (on the right) with his mate Ben.
Oh bless him, he's another one I'll have to add to the list to keep fingers crossed for! Vikki's Jumbo is going in for an op tomorrow too - if everyone could keep everything crossed for him and for Patch, please!

awwww good luck Patch I'm sure hunky Simon will look after you ;) :smitten:
maisynpoppy said:
awwww good luck Patch I'm sure hunky Simon will look after you ;) :smitten:

I'm so lucky that I have such an excellent vet who is so experienced with guinea pigs. Simon is the vet who does all the neutering for Rabbit and Guinea Pig Welfare in Rugby.

It won't stop me worrying though until I know he is ok! He couldn't be in better hands though! :)
Will be thinking about you tom Patch - Uncle Simon will look after you & Ben will be waiting for when you wake up. :smitten:

He's in great hands Debbie, i am sure he will be fine :)
GOOD LUCK DARLING PATCH :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Paws will be crossed for the little guys op :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
We'll be thinking of you Debbie :smitten:
Thanks everyone!

Its going to be a long day! Simon has said it should be a fairly simple procedure as the lump is still quite small. He is having his operation early afternoon and as long as he's ok I can pick him up just before 8 this evening. I am so glad he's got Ben with him. I think its lovely how Simon encourages them to take their cage mate in with them. :)
The wait for that kind of call is a long and excruciating one isn't it! Hope he'll be on the mend soon!

And my goodness you have two gorgeous piggies there! :smitten:
So sorry I didn't write sooner, I didn't go on computer yesterday.

Well done Patch :smitten:

Was it a lipoma?
yay way to go patch and simon O0 O0 O0 hoping patch recovers quickly and is back popcorning with ben again in no time. sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send patch getwell :-* :-* :-*
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