PAH temporarily stop GP sales due to outbreak


I had someone ring to ask if we had any guinea pigs available. Said they’d wanted new ones really but as PAH aren’t selling any at mo, she would ‘consider’ second hand ones! It was like ours were second best! I did try to educate her but it was falling on deaf ears!

It must take so much self restraint not to give them a piece of your mind.
I buy from P@H and I find the staff friendly and they are all animal lovers. But it would be better if guinea pigs, gerbils and hamsters were not available on the shop floor. The rodent mills are no different to puppy mills, a source of cruelty and death. For every animal sold, I expect a number of guinea pigs die in the mill because of the crowded conditions and in-breeding. They are a mass-produced commodity.
Perhaps we should all try and boycott P&H altogether as a protest. I for one hate going in that place and avoid it like the plaque as I find myself upset by the whole place, some parents, buying pets for spoilt brats instead of saying NO!
Just makes me so cross
I agree we should, they make enough money selling pet items there is no need to sell live animals, giving inaccurate advice, mixing sexes resulting in more babies, selling ones and purposely leaving singles who they then pretend have been surrendered for adoption, saying cages are big enough etc etc
I agree we should, they make enough money selling pet items there is no need to sell live animals, giving inaccurate advice, mixing sexes resulting in more babies, selling ones and purposely leaving singles who they then pretend have been surrendered for adoption, saying cages are big enough etc etc
yes, it’s dreadful and I am not saying any of the independents/breeders are any better either but P&H could do so much better. they put profit before welfare standards which is very plain to see when you walk through the doors
It breaks my heart that people are still happy to support this vile trade. Until I read the forum I had no idea that people still bought animals from these places, but then until covid I had hoped that people no longer bought from puppy farms. For many years I have not even bought anything or even entered anywhere that sold animals this way, I suppose that is why I was in blissful ignorance as to the extent it was still going on.
I have once in the past bought a pair of guineas who I discovered later were destined for the pet trade, despite my best care neither made it past five years old, but far worse than that was because of their upbringing they were in a state of total terror when I first had them. The poor things had never been handled and were terrified of everything, it made me realise how many animals in this state of fear finished up in pet homes as children's pets.
I'm trying not to think of how the unwanted animals may have been "disposed of".
I will NOT buy anything from that store - vile, vile, vile treatment of all animals! Not just guinea pigs.

I had someone ring to ask if we had any guinea pigs available. Said they’d wanted new ones really but as PAH aren’t selling any at mo, she would ‘consider’ second hand ones! It was like ours were second best! I did try to educate her but it was falling on deaf ears!
I hope you told her that our second class guinea pigs don't want her as their parent either !