Overly Skiddish -- Plainly Petrified

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That poor little piggie.
When we first got our piggies Millie was extremely skittish compared to Pippa who was very confident, she wouldn't even be held, the only way we could get her out the cage was by using a towel, and even then she would scream and scream.

All it took was patience, lots of affection, and some guidance from her companion. She is now so loving and is always up on her hind legs begging for a cuddle! Some piggies just need a bit more affection before they can trust us!
I've only just found this.... Oh. My. God. I've never seen anything more disturbing on the entire internet, and that's saying something. I hope this person was just trolling and had no intention of really feeding their pig to a snake... very sad to see :( x
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