Over feeding


New Born Pup
Dec 2, 2018
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Hi I’ve always known I overfeed my pigs a bit especially through lockdown being at home all the time but I’ve just read on another thread that they’re only meant to have 1 tablespoon of nuggets a day and I restock their bowl fully at least twice a day I’ve never thought to count nuggets I'm shocked. I know that I overfeed on greens and fruit and I proberbly throw away 80% of the hay I put in as I constantly put loads more in all day and take the stuff they’ve stood on out. I really hate the thought of my piggy’s being hungry or not having everything they want everyday. I’ve tried diets with my old pig who recently passed as she was obese, a few months ago new vet was creasing laughing at her bum and said he had never seen anything like it. It’s like I can’t help but keep putting food in all the time if I see there’s no greens even if I’ve just fed them a hour ago I’ll put more in. How can I stop being so soft ? My boyf just shakes his head at me and everyone thinks I’m mad. Thanks xx
The only thing piggies need constantly is hay. You will waste a lot - it is part and parcel of piggy owning! You don’t need to keep taking it out because they’ve stood on it though! Just remove any hay which is wet. Piggies poop in their hay but still eat it! mine are bedded on hay so are always running on it, I give it a fluff up, pop some fresh on top and they get right back to munching!
Your piggies won’t be hungry as if they have hay all the time, then they will eat it!

In terms of how to stop giving in to them - think of the health benefits for them from cutting back on veg and particularly pellets. I’m sure that will help you stop yourself. Just refresh their hay and don’t go to the veg and pellets!

veg needs to be just one cup (50g per day). Too much veg (and particularly too much fruit) can cause issues with the gut. Overfeeding pellets can be a problem - they do need just one tablespoon a day - they contain a lot of unhealthy things including being high in calcium and too much calcium can lead to bladder stones. One tablespoon per pig per day is plenty. Definitely don’t keep their bowl filled up all the time. The more pellets they eat, the unhealthier they will be, the less hay they will eat - all of these things can lead to gut problems, overgrowing teeth and big vet bills.

my piggies get just half a tablespoon of pellets each in the morning with fresh hay. any pellets which aren’t eaten after half an hour get removed. they get hay topped up a couple of times throughout the day. They then get their cup of veg each late afternoon at this time of year. When I go back out in the evening to give them their heat pads, I remove any veg they haven’t eaten (although they usually have eaten it all by then), and then top up their hay once more.
My five have unlimited hay, some in a rack and some on the floor.
They have about five handfulls of veg a day, including a bellpepper between them which they ADORE.
For pellets they have 2 handfulls a day scatter fed which they also adore.
I also scatter feed a few pea flakes for them regularly.
Hay in a loo roll middle is considered top quality hay!
Giving them lots of hay everyday is great, by doing that you are doing what's best for them. They will never go hungry if they have hay.

As to how to stop yourself feeding them too much other stuff try not to think of pellets as a staple part of their diet but more as a treat.They are junk food really and constantly filling up their bowls is like giving a person an other pizza every time they finish one. If you enjoy feeding them often and watching them eat then measure out their daily allowance of pellets and just feed them two or three at a time throughout the day.

I only feed my pigs pellets twice a week. They always have hay available and fresh veg every morning.
My five have unlimited hay, some in a rack and some on the floor.
They have about five handfulls of veg a day, including a bellpepper between them which they ADORE.
For pellets they have 2 handfulls a day scatter fed which they also adore.
I also scatter feed a few pea flakes for them regularly.
Hay in a loo roll middle is considered top quality hay!
I have 5 also and that's a good rule 2 handfuls of pellets! I struggle with that now there's 5, and am trying not to cause any arguments so have probably been feeding them slightly more! But it's difficult to judge with the pellets as I don't really have time in the morning when I'm working to weigh pellets and veg so have just been throwing one handful in! Mine also have a Bell pepper a day between them, one lettuce ,(around 2-3 big leaves each) and maybe a little pot or two of herbs in the evenings! It is hard to judge when there's 5!
Hi I’ve always known I overfeed my pigs a bit especially through lockdown being at home all the time but I’ve just read on another thread that they’re only meant to have 1 tablespoon of nuggets a day and I restock their bowl fully at least twice a day I’ve never thought to count nuggets I'm shocked. I know that I overfeed on greens and fruit and I proberbly throw away 80% of the hay I put in as I constantly put loads more in all day and take the stuff they’ve stood on out. I really hate the thought of my piggy’s being hungry or not having everything they want everyday. I’ve tried diets with my old pig who recently passed as she was obese, a few months ago new vet was creasing laughing at her bum and said he had never seen anything like it. It’s like I can’t help but keep putting food in all the time if I see there’s no greens even if I’ve just fed them a hour ago I’ll put more in. How can I stop being so soft ? My boyf just shakes his head at me and everyone thinks I’m mad. Thanks xx
I know it's hard, I find that I treat mine quite a bit at the weekends when I'm home as everytime they hear me eating they squeak and everytime they hear the fridge they squeak too. I've found it's so much better for them if you can give them healthy treats, things they enjoy just as much or more than unhealthy fruit and sugary veg. For example, mine absolutely go mad for is fresh grass and that can be fed in unlimited amounts (but I wouldn't overdo it!) And I've also invested recently in good quality Timothyfarm hay, it's so green and they go mad for it (I used to buy pet shop Meadow hay and never realised how bad it looks compared to a good quality farm hay!) It's like a treat for them atm as they've been used to terrible quality hay (which I didn't realise at the Time) mine also love hay cookies, they're healthy and have like 10 types of hay and herbs in! As a treat I also give mine a little pot from the supermarket of herbs - they love it - such as Basil, parsley and coriander and I think they can have Coriander daily so give these a try. You may have to limit the Parsley and Basil though! Best of luck! Also get your piggies moving lol x
Seems we all have different amounts and ideas on what is good for our piggies. . .
Guides are that and I'm at fault in my early days as piggie slave. . Fresh hay is a must and as said most of it can be wasted. . Wee.
I've seen my piggies eat all pellets at once and I've also throw away dish after 3/4 days and pellets not touched. .
Water oh my. . My two won't drink from a bottle but will from a dish which is changed least once a day . Some crazy reason my two will only wee in hay tray . . .
We all diff. . I give my piggies a treat am and pm this is normally taken from my hand. . . Half grape or plum Tom. . . Veg in a dish . .which includes cucumber . .
I use 3 types hay. . All shop bought. . I've had farm hay from local. . . But little bugs etc in bag has stop me
thanks for your replies. I really need to watch my portion sizes that I’m giving them. they usually have 2 bags of either spinach or mixed veg everyday I’ll cut it down to 1 also half a bell pepper instead of a full one. I really want them to live like queens everyday but I’ve realised it’s not good for their health. My pigs are right next to my fridge it’s hard to feed myself without feeding them too god forbid I do manage to sneak a yoghurt out for myself getting the spoon out the draw is another story they always catch me haha. When I see their little faces jumping up at the side of the cage I automatically give them a treat they’re such little victims always pretending to be hungry. I’m going to stop giving fruit everyday as I don’t want another mega obese piggy like my penny who’s passed. ill do fruit every other day now before cage clean. The new pig likes cucumber and carrots where as polly doesn’t like either of them things she’s more into the spinach and watermelon. It’s like having 2 picky kids. Xx
thanks for your replies. I really need to watch my portion sizes that I’m giving them. they usually have 2 bags of either spinach or mixed veg everyday I’ll cut it down to 1 also half a bell pepper instead of a full one. I really want them to live like queens everyday but I’ve realised it’s not good for their health. My pigs are right next to my fridge it’s hard to feed myself without feeding them too god forbid I do manage to sneak a yoghurt out for myself getting the spoon out the draw is another story they always catch me haha. When I see their little faces jumping up at the side of the cage I automatically give them a treat they’re such little victims always pretending to be hungry. I’m going to stop giving fruit everyday as I don’t want another mega obese piggy like my penny who’s passed. ill do fruit every other day now before cage clean. The new pig likes cucumber and carrots where as polly doesn’t like either of them things she’s more into the spinach and watermelon. It’s like having 2 picky kids. Xx

fruit and carrots should only be given in tiny amounts once per week only. So even giving it every other day is still overdoing it.
spinach is a high calcium veg (along with kale and parsley) and should only be given one or two leaves once per week.
if you live in a hard water area, then ensure your drinking water is filtered as this along with keeping pellets strictly limited (and ensuring high calcium veg is kept limited) will reduce their calcium intake greatly. You obviously can’t cut calcium out entirely without causing other problems, but even low calcium pellets contain more calcium than the highest calcium veg.

this guide may help you - it has a sample plate as a guide for how much to give in a day as well as other useful information
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets

Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
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Mine have a tablespoon of pellets per piggy per day. They have loads of hay and then veggies in the evening which I scatter feed and they love finding.

I do the same as Betsy :) started scatter feeding and they love it. Unlimited hay and a tablespoon of pellets per piggie
For example, mine absolutely go mad for is fresh grass and that can be fed in unlimited amounts (but I wouldn't overdo it!)
I think it's worth pointing out to anyone who doesn't already know that if piggies aren't used to grass (ie haven't had it before or not had it for a while) they will need to be built up on it to prevent nasty squishy poos. Start with just a small pile and gradually increase how much they get everytime you feed it. Also be careful about where you cut the grass from. Anywhere that's likely to have been weed on by cats, foxes or dogs should be avoided. Never feed grass clippings from a lawn mower.
thanks for your replies. I really need to watch my portion sizes that I’m giving them. they usually have 2 bags of either spinach or mixed veg everyday I’ll cut it down to 1 also half a bell pepper instead of a full one. I really want them to live like queens everyday but I’ve realised it’s not good for their health. My pigs are right next to my fridge it’s hard to feed myself without feeding them too god forbid I do manage to sneak a yoghurt out for myself getting the spoon out the draw is another story they always catch me haha. When I see their little faces jumping up at the side of the cage I automatically give them a treat they’re such little victims always pretending to be hungry. I’m going to stop giving fruit everyday as I don’t want another mega obese piggy like my penny who’s passed. ill do fruit every other day now before cage clean. The new pig likes cucumber and carrots where as polly doesn’t like either of them things she’s more into the spinach and watermelon. It’s like having 2 picky kids. Xx
I also made the mistake when I first owned guinea pigs such as throwing handfuls of spinach in and I was shocked to hear that most people on this forum give their guinea pig one leaf (ONE SMALL LEAF) of spinach per week max! And there was me giving some every other day and not counting the leaves. It can cause all sorts of issues if overfed. Now I don't touch it atall and give herbs instead (which they love more) and obviously Parsley as a treat. And as said Carrots and melon aren't great either (I also used to feed mine this) I still occasionally give them a bit of melon (once every two weeks max) and I may give them carrots once to twice a week max but ideally this should be fed once a week or not at all. I actually use a vegetable peeler to grate the one carrot into lots of pieces and give them a few shavings each as I have 5 and I feel this gives them a smaller portion than throwing in a few carrots! Best of luck! Xx
As @Merab's Slave says Guinea Pigs are appetites with fur. They will convince you and everybody else that they haven't been fed in eleventy billion years and they are very good at asking for food. They will quickly learn that if they do a certain thing they will get rewarded with food. You have to be tough and try to ignore them or just pop in a bit more hay for them. It is hard to do but it's the long term health of your piggies you need to think about.
Oh god I thought carrots were fine everyday I cut up a few a day and give them every few hours as I would want fresh so I make sure theirs is fresh and not sat in the cage for more than 2 hours. I use the science selective balanced guinea pig food it’s cute little flower shaped pellets I don’t no much about the nuggets i got them because they were the most expensive ones in pets at home so I assumed their better maybe not though I always try and buy the best for them like organic fruit and veg. I think I’m going to avoid fresh grass as I live in a city centre so will deffo have dog wee on. My pigs have got my wrapped round their little paws it seems. I’m going to have a total rethink and change their diets. I want them to live long lives my penny who passed was only 2 I’ve just been looking through her pics and it’s no wonder she was 2kgs my portions were completely out of control. I’ll attach a pic of her loving life with a huge slice of melon Xx6EDE83AC-D058-4523-8D2C-C929EDC69823.png
It can be better to stick to a routine rather than just popping some in every now and then as that is also how you overfeed.

As I said above, mine get their pellet portion in the morning and their veg portion in the evening. At all other times it’s hay only.

You do need to be aware that science selective pellets, while used by many, are alfalfa based which is high in calcium (only pregnant sows and nursing newborns should have alfalfa) so giving other high calcium veg in bigger quantities regularly alongside will definitely be overdoing the calcium. Ideally you’d look for a nugget which is grass or timothy hay based.
Nugget Comparison Chart

Do also read the guides I linked in in my previous post as you will find them very helpful
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How about you have a chart/ list thing by the cage. You can then cross off the things you have done so you know not to add them again. Kind of like this:
Spot Clean
Refresh water
Veggies (1 cup per pig)
Refill hay
Spot Clean
Refresh water
Pellets (1tbsp per pig, scattered)
Refill hay
Oh god I thought carrots were fine everyday I cut up a few a day and give them every few hours as I would want fresh so I make sure theirs is fresh and not sat in the cage for more than 2 hours. I use the science selective balanced guinea pig food it’s cute little flower shaped pellets I don’t no much about the nuggets i got them because they were the most expensive ones in pets at home so I assumed their better maybe not though I always try and buy the best for them like organic fruit and veg. I think I’m going to avoid fresh grass as I live in a city centre so will deffo have dog wee on. My pigs have got my wrapped round their little paws it seems. I’m going to have a total rethink and change their diets. I want them to live long lives my penny who passed was only 2 I’ve just been looking through her pics and it’s no wonder she was 2kgs my portions were completely out of control. I’ll attach a pic of her loving life with a huge slice of melon XxView attachment 160127
Aww she looks adorable and doesn't look too overweight in that pic! Another point I'll make (because we've all been there) I used to have a fairly small cage which at the time I believed was just under the requirements for 3 guinea pigs, they were only in there for a few weeks but in that period they put on so much weight, they would just sit their eating and sleeping all day and not moving and now they've got more room a few of the fairly chubby ones have lost weight and look so much healthier simply because they're always running around their cage and jumping. Xx
thanks for your replies. I really need to watch my portion sizes that I’m giving them. they usually have 2 bags of either spinach or mixed veg everyday I’ll cut it down to 1 also half a bell pepper instead of a full one. I really want them to live like queens everyday but I’ve realised it’s not good for their health. My pigs are right next to my fridge it’s hard to feed myself without feeding them too god forbid I do manage to sneak a yoghurt out for myself getting the spoon out the draw is another story they always catch me haha. When I see their little faces jumping up at the side of the cage I automatically give them a treat they’re such little victims always pretending to be hungry. I’m going to stop giving fruit everyday as I don’t want another mega obese piggy like my penny who’s passed. ill do fruit every other day now before cage clean. The new pig likes cucumber and carrots where as polly doesn’t like either of them things she’s more into the spinach and watermelon. It’s like having 2 picky kids. Xx
Gosh you have been over feeding. . . Pls cut down. . I know it's hard and I'm going tho the same . . .
I want my piggies to live a long happy life. . Not cut short and poorly cos of my actions. . Hay Hay Hay that's our song. 20200823_162751.webpslave don't fall for the sad eyes . .
Thanks for your replies. I love that chart I like being organised I don’t no how I haven’t thought of a proper food schedule before. Think I’m going to do 1/4 of mixed veg in morning at around 7 with a little slice of cucumber and obviously a lot of hey and put 2 teaspoons of nugggets in the bowl. Around 11 I’ll give them a bit of bell pepper. At 1 another 1/4 of mixed veg. Then make them wait until my tea at 4 for more 1/4 more mixed veg. Even this seems a bit much but it’s a lot less than what they have now. I bought the cage in pets at home the biggest one they had I think it’s called something 120 tbh it does look small until it comes to moving it then it seems like a beast, the pigs have a bedroom each though as I have 2 of them cages one is at my boyfs for when they come and I just bring both bedrooms to put on other cage. Is my cage too small? Xx
Also I took the front cage bit off straight away I’ve never locked them in I wanted free range pigs but it never worked out for me as they love being in the cage and have never jumped out xx
If you mean 1/4 of a bag of mixed salad veg and then giving that three times a day, then it is still too much, but you’re doing a great job of working out how to cut down.
I buy one bag of mixed salad veg a week and the bag lasts my piggies most of the week.

Do measure the cage to check it, but a 120cm x 60cm cage is the minimum size required for two sows.
Don't feel bad. You did what you thought was right. Now you know you can correct it. @PigglePuggle adopted 2 girls who were overweight I'm sure she can give you some advice on how she managed to slim them down.
Yes we brought home 2 fat ladies who had been living in a hamster cage eating unlimited muesli and 6 carrots per day with no exercise for 2 years! They were both around 1300g but with no muscle tone at all, and healthy muscle weighs twice as much as flabby fat... they couldnt clean their own bums or waddle 6ft without getting out of breath...

A key thing is that to a piggy, 1 stem of coriander or a little piece of lettuce is a treat in itself. If you like to hand feed, you can feed their daily healthy veggies as tiny pieces throughout the day and not bother with food bowls. Some days if I'm home all day I do that, skip breakfast bowls altogether and no pellets and just pop in with a few leaves to scatter in the hay or hand feed!
Scatter feeding so they have to move around rummaging in the hay is great exercise and great enrichment for piggies- a 3 minute meal can take an exciting half an hour that way. Also hold a tiny bit of veg at the far end of the cage and make them come to you to get it, then swap ends and make them run the other way! Dangle a stem of coriander above their heads so they have to get on their hind legs to grab it.
It might help to prep a sensible portion of low calorie veg each morning into a tupperware box in the fridge then once its gone- piggy cafe closed! I usually finish off a hand feeding spree with a big pile of hay then I tell the piggies "shops shut now" and switch the light off and leave the room and they know now to go eat hay and leave me alone after that :)
Well I'm baffled. . 100%
I know hay is very important and my piggies get tons of it and fresh everyday.
As for veg etc. Going off this thread I'm a bad piggie owner big VERY BAD.
1 or 2 leaves of spinach a week etc. Sorry but mine get more and veg.
If I followed all advise my two would be :dri: with Dick Whittington.
I've never been told by a vet that my pigs need a better diet etc.
My 1st piggie had 3 years in a school and was fed CRAP sugar feed from Asda £2.99 for 6 tons you know what mean . . He was slowly introduce to greens .
I could go on etc but we all feed Look after our poop machines to a balance that gives them the best life. .
I will cut down on veg etc but there's a limit. Hard work cutting a grape into 4 :roll:
Thanks for your replies. I love that chart I like being organised I don’t no how I haven’t thought of a proper food schedule before. Think I’m going to do 1/4 of mixed veg in morning at around 7 with a little slice of cucumber and obviously a lot of hey and put 2 teaspoons of nugggets in the bowl. Around 11 I’ll give them a bit of bell pepper. At 1 another 1/4 of mixed veg. Then make them wait until my tea at 4 for more 1/4 more mixed veg. Even this seems a bit much but it’s a lot less than what they have now. I bought the cage in pets at home the biggest one they had I think it’s called something 120 tbh it does look small until it comes to moving it then it seems like a beast, the pigs have a bedroom each though as I have 2 of them cages one is at my boyfs for when they come and I just bring both bedrooms to put on other cage. Is my cage too small? Xx
Even though it's been suggested that it is too much you could start by cutting them down one week to this diet and then the next week reduce. When I changed my actions I didn't just wake up one morning and not give them their favourite foods or a 1/4 of the foods and I think it's unrealistic for you to do the same you could say you've done it on here or are planning to but when you hear the squeaks of pigs that have had their food cut down to about 1/8 you probably won't be able to stop yourself. Set yourself realistic goals and gradually reduce. Best of luck!
Omg one bag a week your so lucky I was buying 14 bags of spinach a week for 2 years. I’m shopping every other day for bags of mixed leaves and spinach although I’m not buying spinach on its own again now I’m surprised polly still loves it after all this time. I know what you mean about it being not realistic I'm already slipping up I keep feeding them because they’re so cute and then I think omg stop it they’re not hungry it’s so hard I need to stop showing love in treats. I got them advent callendars from pets at home but the stuff looks so bad for them like fake choc so they’re not having the rest of the days, baby steps xx
Yes one step at a time! Like with human healthy earing and dieting, it helps to plan ahead and shop for what you realistically need for a week's healthy meals.
I have 8 piggies and my weekly piggy veg shop is usually:
2 cucumbers
4 red peppers
1 large 100g bunch coriander
2 little gem lettuces
1 bag of fancy mixed salad leaves
1 type of higher calcium veg- parsley, spinach or broccoli
...plus 1 type of treat food- babycorn (half an ear of babycorn is a piggy portion, 4 babycorns serves 8 pigs) or carrot (1 slice of carrot is a piggy treat portion, 1 carrot serves 8 pigs).
Sometimes they get beansprouts too, these are a low calorie and reasonably high vit C food that is great for hand feeding as a healthy snack :)
Omg one bag a week your so lucky I was buying 14 bags of spinach a week for 2 years. I’m shopping every other day for bags of mixed leaves and spinach although I’m not buying spinach on its own again now I’m surprised polly still loves it after all this time. I know what you mean about it being not realistic I'm already slipping up I keep feeding them because they’re so cute and then I think omg stop it they’re not hungry it’s so hard I need to stop showing love in treats. I got them advent callendars from pets at home but the stuff looks so bad for them like fake choc so they’re not having the rest of the days, baby steps xx
A little trick I tend to do if you really want to feed them something leafy and treaty and you really can't resist they can have a romain lettuce leaf or two extra. They can have romain lettuce daily, It doesn't have that many calories in so a few extra leaves every now and then wouldn't hurt (compared to spinach anyway,fruit and sugary veg such as carrots) I buy 6 large romains every week as it's just easy tbh as it's a daily vegetable and there's not too many they can have everyday and they love it. I give my 5, 1 bell pepper every morning religiously as it's one of the few vegetables they can have daily and it's full of vitamin C. I'm not saying you can't give them treats they can still have a bit of water melon on a Saturday for example and a carrot on a Tuesday or whatever. That's what I do I space the treats out and then give them for example perhaps a bit of corriander/basil/parsley in the evenings and vary this if I can. (Coriander is a rare daily one too) If I really can't stop myself and it's the weekend or whatever, I'll give them a small piece of cucumber each as well (which is also a daily vegetable) I also give them a bit of kale once or twice a week but try and limit this if I can. Best of luck! :)