A terrible thing happened in our home today.
Oreo and I were out enjoying some grass time (that isn't the terrible part by the way) and we were both very happy.
When we have grass time we like to eat a little, and then chase each other and popcorn.
This is how happy grass time makes us.
I was chasing Oreo and she stopped in the middle of the tunnel and did a huge popcorn, and she broke the tunnel!
The whole tunnel was completely broken, and we couldn't understand what had happened at all.
We tried to lay in the tunnel but it was just too broken.
The tunnel was not working at all anymore, and I told Oreo it was probably her huge bottom that did it.
It was awful - I love my ratty old willow tunnel - and now Oreo has ruined it.
I did try to lay in it, but somehow it just wasn't the same.
Luckily the boring slave seems to be a bit of an expert in tunnel technology, and once she stopped laughing (I have no idea what she found so hilarious) she fixed our tunnel, and now it works again.
I love my tunnel.
Oreo and I were out enjoying some grass time (that isn't the terrible part by the way) and we were both very happy.
When we have grass time we like to eat a little, and then chase each other and popcorn.
This is how happy grass time makes us.
I was chasing Oreo and she stopped in the middle of the tunnel and did a huge popcorn, and she broke the tunnel!
The whole tunnel was completely broken, and we couldn't understand what had happened at all.
We tried to lay in the tunnel but it was just too broken.
The tunnel was not working at all anymore, and I told Oreo it was probably her huge bottom that did it.
It was awful - I love my ratty old willow tunnel - and now Oreo has ruined it.
I did try to lay in it, but somehow it just wasn't the same.

Luckily the boring slave seems to be a bit of an expert in tunnel technology, and once she stopped laughing (I have no idea what she found so hilarious) she fixed our tunnel, and now it works again.
I love my tunnel.