Orchard Hay


Forum Donator 2022/23
May 21, 2020
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We normally get Orchard hay from Timothyhay.co.uk but @alpacasqueak and an Instagram friend both said the new batch wasn’t very good!

So I ordered the orchard hay from happyhay co to see if it was any better.

Sadly I’m not convinced, it’s more stalky, not as green and does seem to have a few shorter pieces in it.

Thankfully the boys seem to be eating it, I’m gonna mix it with what I have left from our old batch.

Here is a side by side the new hay from happy hay co is on the right. E6AEDCD1-44DE-4848-BB20-032439225926.webp
Close up of the new hay.
That's interesting, my last box of orchard was definitely on the greener side, but then the goblins don't like eating hay unless it threatens to poke holes in their eyes 🤷‍♂️ the orchard's the softest I've seen them go.
I find Pepper and Pringle seem to like the flatter softer bits, they will be very happy with the amount of seed heads in this hay!
The goblins are currently squabbling over the oat hay equivalent of seed heads, lol. It's a universal piggy thing I think.
Yes I’m not convinced either @rp1993! (Sorry week of blooming seizures so just spotted!) I got 15kgs from there, these guys are eating it, but lots of it in the bin again 😆 But I do think everyone’s pleased to try something from a different place as had the same blinking hay for 2 years since honky Cleo arrived!
I’m thinking it’s just been the weather affecting these batches everywhere, annoying though. Hope the gorgeous boys are kicking off too much! Plenty of seed heads for them anyway! :D:))
We have a lot of wastage, I still have some of the old stuff left so I’m mixing it! Comparing the two which one have you found better?

I was so happy we had found something consistent that they like, but I knew once this summers batch would come we would be in trouble!
We have a lot of wastage, I still have some of the old stuff left so I’m mixing it! Comparing the two which one have you found better?

I was so happy we had found something consistent that they like, but I knew once this summers batch would come we would be in trouble!
I think the timothyhay.co.uk was better, neither are that amazing though. That was thicker and more to chew if that makes sense, both a bit dusty and lots of straw-like bits though! 🤦‍♀️

I know it’s so annoying when you have a good supply coming for ages then goes a bit pants! I get through so much with my 4 really not sure what to do for the best, so much more going in the bin it’s such a waste of money too!
Hay in general is drier this year, because of the really dry summer that we had. Though I suppose this might not be the case if some of the companies import? But any UK hay is much drier and more course this winter. Plus due to farmer's not using fertiliser etc (because of the huge price increase) the yields are less. Our hay/haylage for the horses has gone up nearly 50% in price! 😱
Ouch @Bradshaw Piggies, what an increase :yikes: Sure horse-keeping isn’t the cheapest anyway so must be costing poor you an absolute fortune atm! ☹️
Yes I’ve been saying the same, all this rubbish weather has affected it a lot, not the best hay recently and some annoyed piggies around (and slaves!). Really hope better next season, sick of my bin overflowing from all this extra waste!
Ouch @Bradshaw Piggies, what an increase :yikes: Sure horse-keeping isn’t the cheapest anyway so must be costing poor you an absolute fortune atm! ☹️
Yes I’ve been saying the same, all this rubbish weather has affected it a lot, not the best hay recently and some annoyed piggies around (and slaves!). Really hope better next season, sick of my bin overflowing from all this extra waste!
They are wasteful aren't they! 🤦‍♀️ the horses aren't much better! Especially Woody, he wont eat the remainder of yesterday's hay, it has to be fresh!
I do worry about the piggies (particularly for dental health), so I just hope they keep munching enough of it. We do spoil them 😂🥰
Oh no. I’m due to order more orchard grass hay from Timothy hay.co.uk too. I’ve tried the happy hay one before and I didn’t rate it at all but more importantly the pigs wouldn’t eat it.
I bought two boxes from Haybox, and they seemed to be really good. One soft, one coarser. My Boyz are manfully working their way through both varieties. Plus a night-time top-up of the hay and herbs in those little Celebration Cakes from Rosewood.
After nine weeks plus of syringe feeding ( gasp!), my poorly Merry seems a lot better. His weight is relatively stable, he's glossy of coat and bright of eye but we're still waiting for pooled poo analysis to see if there is anything causing his poo to be so squelchy. It's been a long haul and we're not through it yet.
Small pet select have lovely orchard grass hay.....but its very expensive.
Would you mind sending a picture? My boys like the flat soft bits bed the stalky bits, we are eating sooo much of this new stuff I just want to make sure they are getting enough!
I may order a box of meadow hay and see if that’s more palatable, in an ideal world I would get them some soft cut Timothy but my allergies can’t tolerate it 😕
you need to look on there website uk site.you can get samples.mine have eaten all the orchard grass from small pet select in two weeks....5kgs !
I’m going to try a few more before I resort to natures own, £35 for 4.5kg is a bit to painful at the moment!
Hope they like it :)
I’ve still got no idea what I’m getting next yet, but we’ve got through about half of this 15kgs already so better decide very soon! :doh::))
I did a big Natures Own order last week to try and get mine all eating more while they are on Baytril. Nugget in particular is not eating for himself. All their hay's have been popular and they really love the dried mint. Their prices are so good too!
Our natures own delivery has arrived!

I have opened up the sweet green and put it in the cage, the boys have jumped straight into it! It’s pretty green, soft thinner strands but still fairly long (not like the awful burgees hay). Doesn’t seem to dusty, I’ll report back on that when I put in in a box, for the price I'm very impressed!

I’ve only opened the meadow hay it’s not as green but still looks nice, not out it in the cage yet I’ll let them have the sweet green fist and we can try the other one tomorrow.


Given that I got 7kg FOR LESS THAN £10! I’m very happy! And the compressed bags are also so much better for us Vs boxes!