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Orange urine

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Pet Comforts

I have noticed my guinea pigs wee has orange in it maybe blood. I have noticed it with by boar and my sow.
Please help i dont know what is the matter with them :'(


Shannon (sams daughter)
Petcomforts ;D
hello shannon,
check this thread out http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=22135.0 as this is similar to yours

our piggy zoe started in october to wet herself and then bleeding started after much mucking around with vets she had surgery and it was found that she had cyst in her ovaries but also a 20gram mass on the outside of her uterus so she had these removed. also she was given antibiotics but no probiotics antibiotics kill bad and good bugs in piggies tummies, and probiotics protect piggies tummies from the antibiotics. zoe had surgery, but has taken 5 months for her bowel flora to return to normal. if concerned take a urine sample and take to the vets, good luck and keep us posted. O0 sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I am just worried because my boar was ill when he was born he had a crackle in his throat and now his has orange/blood in his urine.
He is very friendly and active and its acting normal as in eating and drinking.


Shannon :D :smitten: :smitten:
I was just wondering how you get a urine sample to the vet, do they give you a tube or siomething or do you just take in the sawdust. :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks a lot for your help hope zoe is ok now ;D :smitten: :smitten:
Shannon ;D ;D :smitten: :smitten:
Can you get them to do it on a plastic bag or newspaper and then pour it into a jam jar or something?

With the dog I had to follow him round with a tupperward tub....!

The urine might be concentrated if they are not drinking enough - it seems strange that they both have the same symptoms.
As they both have the same symptoms it is possible that it is something in the diet.Beetroot can cause stained urine.On the other hand it may be an infection.,.,you are doing nthe right thing in getting a vet to check them and do a urine test.

The easiest way to get a urine sample is to put the pig in a clean container such as a bowl,give it water by syringe and try and get it to eat diuretic foods such as dandelion,celery or parsly.Get a clean container ready.Suitable containers are tablet bottles or med bottles,very well washed out,or any small,glass bottle.You only need a small amount of urine,just enough for the vet to put a labstix in.Also have ready a 1ml or 2 ml syringe.As soon as the pig pees syringe it up and transfer to the container.If you have no suitable container you could leave it in the syringe.As you have 2 gps ,remember to put a name on each container.

Could I just say that sawdust is not a suitable bedding for gps as it can cause eye and respitory infections.It is just possible that the sawdust has caused this infection because it can get into the genital cavities and possibly fester.
hello again shannon,
sorry i did not reply back as had to have a sleep, it is now 7.13am thursday morning here. i would definately do as maryH said to get a sample, zoe is still on a bit of cucumber and silverbeet and her bottom is still clean, which is great after 5 months of soft poop. as for the sawdust i have used this for my piggies for years and have had no problems, but maybe others have, none of my piggies have had a breathing problem (touching wood) discuss with your vet the choice of bedding, which is what i am going to do O0
sending your piggies hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks chole

Yea sawdust has never affected my pigs either but we all have our opions.
I will see how he goes for now andmaybe see whati can doin a week or so thanks for all the help.

Shannon :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: ;D

Thanks everyone for all you help i have a few ideas of what to do i will keep you posted about my little munchie thanks again bye

Shannon x :smitten: :smitten:
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