Ophelia and Bianca

Every evening, when it is time to clean out the hutch and run, Bianca starts begging (Ophelia joins her half the time).
Me: No, piggies, not yet. Medicine is later.
@KHBz: Oh, but her days are numbered...
Bianca continues to beg and eventually @KHBz can no longer resist. Immediately, Bianca knows this and gets even more excited. @KHBz goes downstairs and gets them coriander or courgette. As soon as they have finished, they beg for more, those bottomless pits. "Come on, we live for food."

They know that we can't resist. Bianca might have a terminal diagnosis and there are occasional spots of blood but she is still completely herself.
Every evening, when it is time to clean out the hutch and run, Bianca starts begging (Ophelia joins her half the time).
Me: No, piggies, not yet. Medicine is later.
@KHBz: Oh, but her days are numbered...
Bianca continues to beg and eventually @KHBz can no longer resist. Immediately, Bianca knows this and gets even more excited. @KHBz goes downstairs and gets them coriander or courgette. As soon as they have finished, they beg for more, those bottomless pits. "Come on, we live for food."

They know that we can't resist. Bianca might have a terminal diagnosis and there are occasional spots of blood but she is still completely herself.
I may have a terminal diagnosis but I am going to get as much of my favourite foods as I can.
It doesn’t matter now so just go and get me more..more !
I may have a terminal diagnosis but I am going to get as much of my favourite foods as I can.
It doesn’t matter now so just go and get me more..more !
And so we do! I'm the softest and I'm pretty sure she knows that from her behaviour when she hears me. I'm feeding on demand and she seems to be very 'well' on it!
I called downstairs and wheeking started so I went in and saw Bianca (I had thought that they were both wheeking). Of course this piggy got nuggets. She would have eaten and eaten had I allowed her to but after 6-8 I stopped. She tried begging for a bit longer and then waddled/ran off. Someone knows her priorities.
Middle hooman came in just now. We got nuggets. Ooh, there comes a hand again. My mouth is here. What are you doing... you're touching me. Ugh, I want food, not strokes. Ooh, you can't see me so you're just trying to find my mouth? I'm not ready for a nugget. Ah, now I am. Thank you. But you are trying to stroke us as well. Not now, thank you. We aren't here to be stroked. Come on. Thank you.
All gone? Ok, bye.
They got a carrot cottage yesterday. That "carrot" topping really doesn't smell like carrot but I have never tried dried carrot.
I went in as I heard munching. Sure enough, both were eating it, on opposite sides. They saw me and came over. No treats from me, so they went back to it. I checked the time afterwards and they would have been begging if it weren't for the carrot cottage.
Well, we've just been to the vet. My younger daughter had extracted the hay last night and she has got away with no ulceration at all!

The vet felt the tumour which now extends the width of her wide lower body and was absolutely stunned at how 'well' she is! By now, Bianca is perfectly at ease on the vet's table, and happily applied pepper lipstick to her mouth... The vet even took a photo of her to send to the vet who diagnosed the tumour because she was so amazed at her condition as she doesn't seem in the slightest bit ill! She said that she must be a toughie. We are eight months post-diagnosis and she is having a wonderful, spoilt life.

What a sweetie she is. I am pleased to hear she is doing so well and enjoying life. Please can you give her a hug from me, I love a piggy with character.
She really does have quite a spark - very curious, bright and lively. She is always quick to turn any ‘training’ on its head so that we end up as the trained ones! (Eg, my younger daughter taught her to jump onto the mezzanine, out of the way, when she needed to clean underneath it… the result was that Bianca would frequently jump up there, face us and wait expectantly for a treat… which of course she got.)