One Of My Girls Displaying Dominant Behaviour?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 29, 2017
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Hi all, I have had my two girls for 4 weeks now, making them 12 weeks old. Brownie always appeared to be the more dominant girl ( although more chilled!), just occassionly snapping at Star Star when she kept harassing her ( Star Star has always been the more skitty one!). However today Star Star kicked out at brownie and weed on her ( only just read this is sign of dominance!), also this evening she has been following Brownie around teeth chattering pretty loudly at her. Brownie seems to be trying to ignore but has snapped at her a couple of times like she is telling her to back off! They live in a large pen in our play room and go in an outside pen when weather good and we are outside too, so don't think space is an issue. I am a bit worried as really don't want them to fall out. Sorry for the long waffle, can you help?! Thanks.xx
Hi all, I have had my two girls for 4 weeks now, making them 12 weeks old. Brownie always appeared to be the more dominant girl ( although more chilled!), just occassionly snapping at Star Star when she kept harassing her ( Star Star has always been the more skitty one!). However today Star Star kicked out at brownie and weed on her ( only just read this is sign of dominance!), also this evening she has been following Brownie around teeth chattering pretty loudly at her. Brownie seems to be trying to ignore but has snapped at her a couple of times like she is telling her to back off! They live in a large pen in our play room and go in an outside pen when weather good and we are outside too, so don't think space is an issue. I am a bit worried as really don't want them to fall out. Sorry for the long waffle, can you help?! Thanks.xx

It sounds like there is a strong season in the offing. Hopefully things are calming down again by tomorrow.
Sow Behaviour
Ahhh, thank you, I hope so! I have read the article you have written about dominance and that has reassured and informed me! A lot to learn about these wonderful little creatures! X
Thank you sport billy. I have a couple of tunnels similar to those and 2 igloos. They are both calm/sleeping at the moment so hope they will be happy in the morning! Blooming hormones, I know how she feels!x
I also have a female pair that can be a bit up and down.
They occasionally have fraught days, and twice now it has been so close to a full on fight that we had to separate them for a few hours.
But take heart - both girls are now over 18 months old and things finally seem to be setting down - I think those teenage hormones can be a nightmare, but as they get a little older it does seem to get better.
Thank you Swissgreys, that is good to know! I never knew there was so much to learn about these little piggies, but they are very much worth it, can't believe how they have stolen my heart ( and my daughters!) already! Xx
Just having the same hassle with one of my three babies! Katie Buttercup rushing about squeezing her head off and chasing any piggy that's near her! She's just 9 weeks old so could have a lot of these days to come! Well, every 16 days or so! Females eh?
Should say squealing obviously! Wish my IPad didn't change words when it feels like it! I'll decide what I want to say, thanks!
Squeezing her head off is a much funnier picture in my head. Sorry, I think I may have a warped sense of humour.
My beautiful Betsy turns into PSYCHO piggie:yikes: whenever she is in season. Otherwise she is the most adorable and loving piggie you will ever meet. Even her best friend Dennis steers clear when she turns into psycho piggie!
Squeezing her head off is a much funnier picture in my head. Sorry, I think I may have a warped sense of humour.
When it typed out squeezing I had to laugh too as she'd spent her first couple of days squeezing out through the C and C panels so not far from the truth for her!