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OMG sammy got a hole

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Well i dont know how the hell he has done this

Well he has a a little hole at the side of his neck well a little bit blow his neck. his skin as come open a bit and you ca nsee inside of him if you move it around. Its not hrting him or aything its jsut there i noitced it about 20min ago when i was puting him back in cage. he is precfally all right hes happy eating is tea and siting with his borthers,

I dont know how its happend like, but all 4 of the boys are allways runing atound kicking and chancing each other chatting thier teeths doing thier mainily (its norimally for mine to do all of that) I means ruben allways has scatches on his facemy mum thinks he got setive skin. Also today somesone bit rubens ear again which doswnt seem to borther him either, some one bit his bum last week too

Runing around and kicking and chaseing each other and chattering thier teeth is how my boys play, thier not trying to kill each other (thier do love each other and i have seen them kiss each other) i mean thier will be all sat sleeping togther soon. i do keep telling them to be behave

and also today i got one of the woodon house from zooplus the one with steo at both sides and you can put it in a coner, well the boys had that today in thier run and one of the step has come off, dont ask me how the hell thier did that. And tier was al ittle round wood thing which was on the floor of thier which holds the steps togther at one side, whihc was round and the hole in sammy is round so it might of been that i dont know.

so will be off to vets sometime tomorew tea time , as i cant go in moring as going to dentist and my dad wont take me to vets aswll. So the earliest busi can get over to the village where the vets is which is like 10min away is the 4oclock bus.
Usually when boars chatter their teeth at each other it is a sign of aggression and dominance ( I know from previous experience and had to eventually split two boys up). Is it possible that one them may have bit him? Is there are pus and muck coming from the hole? Is it smelly?
no smell and nothing coming from it , it is really clean actuaclly its red around the outside of the hole

he is prefecatly happy now in his cage, holefully hiter will be off to sleep now as been outside all day and not ad much sleep
Watch their behaviour - your guinea with the hole may be getting picked on and they may need to be separated.
he is twice the size of 2 of his borthers who he lives with,

you cant actally see the hole anyways as he has a lot of hair you have to mive his hair to see it
Size doesn't always mean they are more dominant. I would bathe the hole with salt water for a few days to prevent infection. You may need to trim the fur away to get at the hole properly.
oh i wont need to cut his hair i can jut mive it back to get to it. Will try bathing it tormow. he will most lise try to kick me one as when he had mites last year he use to kick me when i was outing his cream it blood hurts when he kicks

my mum think it might of doine it on the house which thier have borke (which may dad is going to have to fix) it disnet look like a bite or sctach mark
juat to let oyu know that sammy is fine now

when i went to check on him thurday moring the hole had healed up , and had healed up really nicely and was all clean etc so was no need to go to vet as thier wouldnt of been anything thier could of done. its looking even better today the scabby bit what is left now is samller then yestoday
It is very likely that he had a small abscess in his neck (the most common place for pigs to get abscesses – very often caused by a sharp bit of hay or a thistle) and it has burst by itself, leaving the hole.

It’s good that it has healed up but check it over the next week or two to make sure it has not come back again. If some of the infection (pus) was still trapped inside when the skin healed up it will form another abscess.
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