Oh no not again

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2007
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My pigs are sick again, all of them :(,

I am so worried, finances at the mo are stretched as work has not paid me because of sick leave >:( I just can't afford to do the vets!

They have all got skin issues, which has just boom come out of no where, they have torn themselves to bits and cloud is fitting again :(.

I have made them all as comfortable as possible, and i am going to go talk to the vet on Monday, i get on with him really well and hope to come to some arrangement :-\, they need help

I don't need advice i just wanted to tell someone :(
(((Emma))) win the lotto tonight! If it's skin issues couldn't Gorgeous Guineas do something for them? x
I am sorry to hear you are having problems ((( big hug )))

what type of skin problem do they have?

i hope they get better soon ((( big hug )))
I am shocked actually at how bad they are, they have gone bald on there tummies, and nips on their backs, is so difficult when i can't get down and pick them up, I just cannot care for them properly at the mo, :(

Rich has gone back to work and i find it hard to bend down, i have to pour their food from height and it goes every where,

Amy is a sweetheart she picks them up and puts them on the grass for me but she is only five and has to be reminded not to squeeze.

Sorry i am whining i just feel so lost by the whole thing :(
Is it hay mite they have got?

Years ago I used to take my pigs to the vet with this - where they would be scratching themselves and losing their hair and the vet used to give me a bottle of green liquid to bath them in - you had to mix it with water and then pour it all over the wet guinea pig and leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then wash off again. You had to repeat it then 7 days later and the guinea pig was fine and the hair grew back. I then tried to get the liquid but the vet said they had stopped allowing it in the country or something so they had to have the injections instead. Anyway years later I found the stuff online in this country as a dog shampoo and still use it - its about £8 a bottle and lasts ages.
I am sure the vet can shed some light on it for you, It might just be mites.

them if u need a hand with them let me know ok? I'm only like 20 mins down the road
Also I don't know if you know but you can buy ivermectin drops now without a vets prescription - these are the injections that the vet gives them. They are quite costly though at £25.00 a bottle but if you have a few piggies it might be worth it. :)
I get 6 pipette from PetMeds.co.uk @ £19.00 (postage included) that does my 5 and I have one left over because ones quite chunky so she uses 2.

How many pigs do u have Emma again?
You can bathe them with some apple cider vinegar for immediate soothing. Let apple cider vinegar soak 10 minutes then rinse. This helps with irritation and allergies. If you have tea tree oil or neem handy you can mix it with some shampoo, let sit 10 minutes rinse, and follow with vinegar for soothing. Sounds like you need injections though if fits are happening. Good luck!
LyndsayRDH said:
You can bathe them with some apple cider vinegar for immediate soothing.

Are you crazy Apple Cider Vinegar is not in anyway soothing it stings like hell on earth. I have used this on myself to dry it up impetigo and by god it stung NO WAY would you put this on an animal. Please do not give out this information to use stuff that is not recommended and with tea tree oil as well that a recipe for more pain.
I have lent my Peter gurney piggy potions to someone, but i have alovera cream i use on my sons eczema when it bad, ,

I have also given the worse one 0.01ml of calpo with orange juice to try to sooth her, it is so frustrating,

LJ has said she will send me some shampoo she has from GG to see if that helps,

I have used the ivomectin drops from PandH about two weeks ago, the scratching stopped but,, OH i don't know,
Just speak to you vet nicely. if you are there often they will no you aren't going to run away without paying ;D.

My vet is great when it comes to things like this. They operate a pay on the day system but they know who they people are that they can invoice which is great and means those who used to take advantage if this need to pay on the day. xx
hoping your piggies and son get better :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: perhaps take fiveguineagirl up on her offer as she lives so close to you. talk to your vet am sure something can be worked out. O0 hugs and healing vibes for you and your babies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping clouds fitting stops soon. O0
them, just tried to ring you.....will get the book in the post asap....but for now in the skin infestation section it says apply Aloe vera gel gently twice daily which will stop infection from spreading and it can also be used on lesions caused by scratching, also says....quote....."many of these animals have what appear to be similar to epileptic fits during or after bouts of scratching"...maybe this is what is happeneing to cloud.....will ring you later S xx
I agree,Apple Cider and tea tree oil should not be used.

If the piggy has mites the only sure way to get rid of them is with Ivermectin FROM THE VET.If you bought Ivermectin from the internet there is a good chance that it is out of date or even fake,There is no regulation on meds ,shampoos etc sold on the net.This is why I prefer to buy from a vet or hight street outlet.

A product that I have been using on my pigs for a while,very succesfully, is Green People Organic Baby salve.This is very good for sore pads,dry pads.Is also very soothing and healing for sores caused by bites or parasites.

The product contains no parabens,sles,petrochemical products, or artificial colours or scents.

The active ingredients are: lavender,calendula and other organic ingredients.

The product contains no animal derived ingredients.

It is available from Some chemists,supermarkets and health food stores.Waitrose supermarket stock it.
I agree with you Mary about the internet medications, who knows it could just be water!
sadly my worse effected pig has passed away, but the vet said they don't need ivomectin 98) and just to give them a wash in mites and lice shampoo and keep them on news paper and put their hay in a net so they are not on the hay.

He did however say the twigs had wasting disease as well,
Oh Emma :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Which baby was it? RIP little one run free at the bridge :-* :-* :-* :-*
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and special piggie kisses for you sweetie :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hey chick i'm so glad you came on and told us, you need support and who better than your family on here O0 O0 O0
Oh dam that this has happened it's so not fair you've done all you can........... keep us posted love :) :) :) :)
am so sorry for your lost of your fur baby :'( :'( :'( RIP little darling, run free, popcorn amongst the clouds and have fun 0:) 0:) 0:) sending you hugs and healing vibes for the rest of your fur babies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping your back is felling better and that your son's hand is fine O0 RIP sweetheart fine eternal peace. 0:) 0:) 0:)
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