Oh Hi!

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how cute they are!:luv: and their fur will grow long, I guess...
Grass is a very rich, healthy and well balanced food. My piggies are grass-addicted!:lol!:
Aww. I remember when Mistletoe and Jingle were too scared to eat in front of me.

They are grass addicts too and wheek most enthusiastically when I get back from a forage walk.

Your boys are such cutie pies.
Thank you, it's so nice having a pair again although weird that they run off when they see us! It's been so long since I had little guys...
Such a cute little chap. Hope they soon run towards you rather than away from you x
Just caught too little boys out munching hay :love:

Happy now!

He obv is out & about just not in front of his mummy :doh:
Thank you, it's so nice having a pair again although weird that they run off when they see us! It's been so long since I had little guys...
Hi Pamelakt,

Only just seen your thread. I'm so happy for you losing Rodney and Billy must of been hard. Abyssinians are lovely, they're wonderful pair landed on their feet they have xx
Hi Pamelakt,

Only just seen your thread. I'm so happy for you losing Rodney and Billy must of been hard. Abyssinians are lovely, they're wonderful pair landed on their feet they have xx
Thank you! Yes I feel like I have had poorly boys for soooo long. I had sworn never to any more but we have moved to a lovely house with a garden & already miss Billy so much he was such a big part of the day! So we have 2 new little lads to spoil :D
STUNNING :drool: we need lots more photos!
Oh i fully intend to bore you all with them - at the moment catching them out is a bit of a novelty as they're still scared of us I'm dying to take more photos! They're amazing, beautiful colours & full of little rosettes!

We are just enjoying them so much already, they are beyond cute & so easy compared to what I've been used to for a few years! We were really excited to finish work today & get them some more veg :drool:
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