Oh, Bann.


Forum Buddy
Nov 26, 2016
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There's no good way to write this. I could probably try for a month and it still wouldn't be enough, because that's just how Bann was.

A beautiful soul. So gentle, so sweet natured, with a naughty side and grumbling any time you had the audacity to pick him up. He'd wait a few minutes to see if he was getting Metacam and if he wasn't, he was going to make trouble. And by trouble, I mean he'd try finding a way out of your grasp. I kinda wanted to point out to him a bit of a nip would help...but then I'm not that daft.

He went quickly. I woke up yesterday and there wasn't enough poop in his bed but he was still eating, by early afternoon I was insisting on some Metacam from the vet, and by 20:10 I found him in the same way as I found Cam in August. He was gone in just under an hour.

I don't have many photos of Bann because he made an effort to avoid the camera and/or a clear photo as much as possible. So instead I'll keep to saying this - I know you're going to miss him as much as I do. I'm sorry I don't have a better ending for this story. But he knew how loved he was and that's all that really matters.

Sláinte, Bann. You better be raising some hell over the Bridge, and the delinquent needs his hooligan back. I miss you.
I'm going to miss Bann and his antics for sure. 😭💔 I'm so sorry @Lorcan and I know he knew how much you loved him. Big big hugs to you. :hug: ❤️

Popcorn free Bann. You will be terribly missed by everyone here. You can start playing with Cam again. ❤️🌈
Oh I’m so sorry to hear about Bann. His antics always made me laugh and I hope he leaves you with many happy memories. Reunited with partner in crime Cam. Sleep tight little Bann 🌈❤️
I’m sorry you left for the bridge Bann. But I hope you are causing merry hell up there. I’m sure Cam was waiting for you xx
Oh my heart has just sank reading the title of this thread and I am thinking of you and Mourne. I’m so sorry that Bann has made his way to the rainbow bridge 😞

Sleep tight Bann. Have fun at the bridge with Cam. Reunited with your partner in crime x
Sorry for your loss. I really enjoyed all the stories you shared about Bann. He was a lovely character and it’s obvious he was living a wonderful life full of love and care. I’m sure he’s reunited with Cam x
Sending you my very best wishes at an incredibly difficult time for you @Lorcan.
It's so sad Bann is gone but what a life you gave him and Cam, they were so lucky to find you.
We are all going to miss him and your tales of his antics.
Reunited with Cam I hope you both cause havoc at the bridge dear Bann.
I am so sorry you’ve lost Bann, he sounded such a character. take heart you gave him a wonderful life

Popcorn high Bann 🌈
We are so very sorry for your loss. Bann had the best life with you and was very much loved. I will always remember how fearless he was, wheeking away in the carrier as we drove up the M5 to bring him (and Cam) to their forever home with you.

I can only imagine the chaos at the rainbow bridge today as he is reunited with his partner in crime.

I shall miss Bann's tales of mischief but look forward to seeing what the future holds for Mourne.

Sleep tight handsome boy. 🌈❤️

I am so sorry that Bann has had an urgent call from the Bridge from Cam, who is obviously desperate for Bann's help in kicking up some big grass clumps and raise some proper hell because afterlife just lacks the real fun without his bestie...

It is truly the end of an era. We are all going to miss your hooligans but it must be so much harder and more heartbreaking for you. Try to picture the two together; it has helped me with some closely bonded piggies of mine.
But I am glad for Bann that his journey to the Bridge was quick and gentle as natural deaths go; even if it is so very gutting for us humans to have to watch.
My heart sank when I read this. He was definitely a forum favourite and I will miss hearing about his (mis)adventures.
Charge over the bridge and create chaos darling Bann 💔🌈
Oh I am so very sorry to read this.
Bann was such a character and it was always a joy to read about him
He was definitely one of the stars of the forum.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
So sorry to read your news.
Bann had such a lovely life with you, and we all got to share the stories you told of your days together.
Bann, you will be missed. Enjoy being with Cam again, popcorning around creating mayhem at the rainbow bridge.🌈
Looking through the new posts I had to do a double-take. I am so sorry to read your post - he will be missed on this forum but most of all, very much missed by you. Take comfort that he travelled quickly from the home where he was loved to the bridge where Cam would be waiting for him. The hole in your heart will heal one day leaving you with memories of the fun times he had. For now, sending hugs as you grieve.
Make your presence felt at the bridge Bann 🌈
So sorry you lost Bann. You always write about him with such love and wit, he seemed very intelligent and special. Take heart you will meet again.
I'm very sorry that you had to say goodbye to your sweet boy. Bann was such a personality and one of the forum's favourite piggies.
Sleep tight precious boy! 🌈 💔
Oh I’m so sad to read this …..dear mischievous Bann
Doing things his way and sparing you the worry and upset …..just like Cam did
Bann leaves so many memories and tales of his mischievous antics ….i can remember laughing so much at things you wrote about those two irreplaceable boys
Take care Lorcan …it hurts and it’s not going to be easy as you grieve this special boy…..in time you will be comforted by having had those two in your life ……love does that
Dear Bann Cam couldn’t bear to be without you so he called for you…. keep getting up to mischief at RB Cam and Bann ….we will miss you but we have such lovely memories of you both 💔💔