Junior Guinea Pig
Yes thank you i would like you help. just message me later. Think i will be getting them next month. as is my birthday this month and will have the last of the money for me before i no longer see any of it lol as will go all on the pets. I love guinea pigs but they are not cheap.
I take it having a c&c cage will make it easier to clean and less dirty due to more space, as there pee and poo is everywhere despite spot cleaning, still looks really dirty . Just hoping i can litter train them
No problem, I'll have a hunt around and see what I can see, might not be right away as I have some stuff to do but I will keep an eye out In the mean time it's worth watching the for sale/wanted section on the forum or even posting an ad for 2nd hand grids
I think it'll make it easier as well, I've found having a bigger cage makes life so much easier in terms of cleaning/how frequently you have to clean. When they were on fleece I would have to spot clean a lot through the day but now they're on wood shavings, I'm finding I need to spot clean less and they don't smell yet (cleaned them on friday) whereas on fleece they'd be smelling by now!
The plus side is with a c&c cage if you choose to expand or alter your cage later down the line it'll work out pretty cheaply. Everyone was sceptical when I made mine at first but the pigs are so happy with the space and it's worth it for the money