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not now....

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ok, something tells me this is not right at all. shadow is acting VERY lethargic, wont touch his food, doesn;t purr and seems limp and lifeless to me when i hold him he just sits in his house and partially closes his eyes as if tired but i know this is not normal behavior for him. i want him to make it to his 7th bday and i don;t wanna lose him i mean, he is over 6 years.. poor baby. i hope he feels better, i am going to talk to my mom about taking shadow to the vet today because i think he desperatey needs it. this just happened right out of the blue and last nite he was fine. i just hope he feels better soon.
I'm sorry to hear about Shadow. I would try and get him to a vet today or if you can't at least talk to one.

keep up touch and let us know how Shadow is.

thank u for your response i will most definitely talk with my mom about taking him to the vet-once she gets up out of bed.. its morning over here btw i don;t know what time it is over in the UK now
Try and encourage him to eat if you can. If he doesn't want any I would mash some pellets up with warm water and offer them on the back of a tea spoon handle. He has to keep eating. I find wrapping an ill pig in a towel and feeding with their backs to my stomach the best way.

I'd also try and give him some water off a spoon (if you don't have a syringe) so he won't de-hydrate.

we took him to the vet this morning and he has lost some weight plus is a bit dehydrated. :'( so, we got an anti-biotic for him and gave him his first dose plus we are supposed to feed with a syringe at least 2-3x per day the vet said baby food would work, and also Strawberry Insure juice or something, and Pediolite (i think i spelled that wrong) and of course lots of water. something with calories that would help give him the nutrients he needs. and i am also putting some Vita Drops in his water and feed him with that too. right now, my mom went to the store to pick these thing s up and shadow is resting now. yes i agree he needs to eat to keep him strong and as healthy as possible. i just hope he pulls thru this. :(
Did the vet say what the problem was? Poor little guy. I would feed every hour and see how he copes, if he starts eating more maybe every 2 hours. :)
well she didnot say exactly what he had just was dehrdrated and was 2.5 pounds but now is at 1 3/4 pounds. so he has lost quite a bit in a short time. we had requested a vet who was knowledgeable about guineas but she wasn't there today so we had a nother vet look at him. i don;t know how much expertise she has (the one who checked shadow) about guinea pigs but we couldn;t afford to be picky as the vet clinic was really busy and were going to close soon. so i am glad we managed to get him checked out.
Yep you did the right thing, getting a pig to a vet as soon as you suspect something is wrong is vital in my book. How is he doing now? I'm thinking of you, I know it's tough having to feed an ill pig but in your heart you'll know you are doing all you can. Good luck hun! x
my mom got back and we fed him with syringe some Pediolite and a bit of water altho i don't know how much he actually swallowed ., some just dribbled down his chin. we are going to feed him again in about a hour as much as he'll take. the baby food my mom got was carrot and banana flavors. what else would be good for him baby food wise? i am going to put a couple towels over his cage to keep him warm so he doesn;t get cold. just in case. he is resting in his pigloo now not very active at all and i was giving him lots of TLC too . :smitten: :smitten: the vet recommended 2 -3 x a day feeding him with a syringe but maybe that isn;t enough? how often and how much should he be getting ? as she said he was only a little dehydrated. i just want to do everything i can to help him.
you may find putting the syringe in from the side of the mouth is easier.
Do not add anything to his water as this can put them off drinking all together.
Get some human rehydration fluid, make it up as you would for yourself but used cool boiled water, get as much as you can down your piggie, without forcing it, I find using a 1ml syringe not a 5ml as a 5ml will flood the mouth.
That is a very big weight drop,.Did the vet examine the teeth.? You said he is dribbling,so there is a chance that the teeth are overgrown trapping the tongue.

Grind up some of his dry mix with a coffee grinder.Make a fine powder and mix to a soup thickness with warm water.You can either mix in the baby puree or give them seperately.You need to get at least 30 mls of food into him per day.
yeah, as the others said. make sure he gets food and water. sounds like you're doing the right things O0 ((((hugs))))) :smitten:
how is your baby shadow going? we are sending love and prayers your way from australia. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: you must be doing something right if shadow is going to be 7 soon. as others have said keep the food and water coming as their stomachs need to be moving. really hoping your baby gets better. :smitten: :smitten: our babies when sick they love the sweetcorn baby food. it is funny when they feel better and grab the syringe and push it away. :) :) :) please keep us updated on sweet shadow. sending hugs and prayers. give him a cuddle and kiss for me. :smitten: :smitten: :) :) you ARE doing the right thing to help shadow get better. if concerned ring an after hours vet. get better soon shadow. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
well, we managed to get more liquids down his throat tonite about almost 10ml worth. it isnt much but it is at least more than what we had been able to, i found sitting down with him in my lap and holding him towards me kinda tilted while my mom helped to give him the food with the syrriinge, worked the best otherwise it would just dribble down his chin. :( but at least he has more nourishmment. i think the vet said he had septicemia but i wasn;t sure about that. he still hasn;t shown a whole lot of improvement but i hope the next day is better for him. i am just going to keep his cage and bedding as clean as possible and make sure he;s comfortable, continue giving food and meds and TLC and that is pretty much all i can do.
So sorry to hear about about Shadow :'( :'( :'(
I use a 1ml syringe and give a bit at a time for liquids, alternate with a larger syringe say 5ml for food so you can actually suck up some and give one of food and then a really small bit of liquid this will help to get the food down also O0
As Mary said grind up some pellets this would be great you could also add some baby pureed (Heinz makes this and Gerbers too - pureed apples for 6 month babies) apples and mix this into the pellets and he'll maybe even gobble off a spoon.
I agree with Mary also he needs to see a savy piggie vet really sounds like toofies and if they're bad they wont eat cause it hurts them and quite often they'll have an ulcer as well cause the toofies rub on their little tongues and their gums :(
Sending healing wheeks and heaps of good luck to you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
how's your little one this morning? sending hugs for you and him :-* :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hope Shadow gets well soon ! I agree with everyone else.....you're doing the right thing. Lucky guinea pig to have you as an owner! :smitten:
I'm so sorry to hear Shadow's having problems. I recently lost one after a sharp weight drop so I know how you're feeling. I can't add anything to the advice already put here because it's all good. I hope Shadow gets better soon... sending you both lots of love. :smitten:
thank you all very much for your help and support and kindness but shadow didn;t make it. he died this morning. (sob) :( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
i miss him so much and i am crying as i type this. i tried giving him his medicine this morning and he just had a taken a turn for the worse. he started having trouble breathing and my mom said it sounded like his lungs were filling with fluid and he couldn;t breathe, (another big sob) :'( :'( i had hoped this day would never come , but it did. i held him in my arms and he died while i was holding him. i told him i loved him over and over again. i think and hope that he knew i was there for him til the very end and that i loved him with all my heart, i am so upset and i look horrible from crying so this is a VERY sad day for me. i am just glad that i was there with him and got to say goodbye other wise i don;t think i;d have forgiven myself. we buried him in the backyard and in the spring we will plant flowers on his grave. i have a little memorial set up for him in his place where the cage sat and i am going to add to it. i saved a couple of his toys to keep as a reminder. i remember when i got up this morning, he was just lying in his cage, barely moving and had his head in the corner, i immediately picked him up and held him. later, he had died after we tried to give him his meds. i just need some support cuz it hurts when u lose a beloved pet. at least, i have lots of pictures of him as well as hair clippings and pawprints in his album which i am still adding to. he was (and is) a very special piggy and i will never forget him,

RIP little Shadow, i love you very much, always will
play among the clouds and be free little guy
you have brought me much joy in my life :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Oh Hunny I'm so sorry, you did all you could. His time was now sadly and you had so many wonderful years with him. :smitten: I feel so sad for you, I was hoping he would be ok.

Thinking of you. x
oh you poor thing :'( i'm so sorry to hear that. :'( you did all you could, you must remember that :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and at least he's in a place where he'll be happy and free of pain and discomfort 0:) (((MASSIVE HUGS)))) :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
i don't know which is harder, having a piggie that dies very young or old, i've had both and it's so hard :smitten: :smitten:
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thank you very much. i am just so depressed right now. i need all the support i can get. i had hoped he;d get better but i guess i have to accept this was his time. :(
R.I.P Shadow 0:) :smitten:
(((((((( BIG HUGS TO YOU ))))))))) :)
Aw you poor thing, I am so sorry you lost your Shadow. He was lucky to have such a nice piggy mum - I bet he is running round at Rainbow Bridge with all the other little pigs that have gone, he wouldn't want you to be upset

aww i know it's so hard, but try not to be depressed, i bet you gave him the best life ever and he knows that you loved him to bits (((((hugs)))))) :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I am so very sorry.Shadow had a happy life with you,and you were with him at the end.
i appreciate everythng that has been said. i take comfort in the fact that shadow is in a better place now and is not suffering anymore. :) but it still doesn;t make it any easier. no pig will ever replace shadow but i am not getting more until i have more time to mourn his death, i need some time before i get more piggies. i had gone through this before with my 2 hamsters and they are still both in my heart as well as shadow. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: at least i have my fishies to take care of and they are so cute too.
Aw, I'm so sorry :'(
At least you know he lived he to a great age which must mean you gave him the best care possible
RIP Shadow 0:)
i know hun, it doesn't make it any easier, it still hurts me to think of the ones i've lost, you strike up such a bond, they'll always be with you :smitten:
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