not growing!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sunny Stoke-on-Trent
I've had my two little girls for a month now. From the beginning Suzy has always been tiny, she'd fit in the palm of my hand. I thought she was either the runt of the litter or possibly very young, about 3 weeks. Izzy is pretty much average size for a young pig, and is now growing due to all the veg and hay she munches!

Suzy however isn't growing much at all. I've watched her and she's eating lots, is she just a small girl or could there be something wrong?
I have a small boar called Eccles who is 9 months now he looks 6 months, probably a runt. I have had him at the vets and he said he is just little, it can happen and there is nothing wrong. What does she weight? Is she active a lot? x
I haven't weighed her, I'll do that when I go home. She's still tiny and will still fit in the palm of my hand.

She's about as active as a guinea pig gets! ;D She popcorns about but when she's in the run she's mowing the lawn, as they do.

Other than being so small she's perfectly healthy. Her coat is now really shiny, whereas it looked a bit 'dandruffy' when I got her.
Bless her, Eccles has grown this last couple of weeks. To be honest he is with a Rex/texel who is my biggest pig so can't decide whether he is just looking small compared to him! 98)
aah bless, I used to have a massive pig, she made all the others look so small!

Eccles is a lovely name by the way!
Aww thanks. I named him after Christopher Eccleston who played doctor who but I also love Eccles cakes! ;D

I'll post some pics up on Thursday after I've cleaned him out. It's natural to worry about them! Pudsey (Eccles' cage mate) is so hairy he is just like a sheep! ;D
If you weigh them regularly you'll see a pattern O0
as long as she's eating hay, pellets, veggies and having her water she should be a healthy little piggie :smitten:
You might have a little dwarf on your hands. I have Snowflake and she is not that much bigger then when we got her first. She is now two years old and still smaller then all my other piggies. So don't worry too much, as long as your piggy is looking healthy and eating and doing all the right things. O0
That's alright then, thanks for all the replies. I wasn't overly worried as she's fine in herself, eating, squeaking etc, just a little confused really! :D
I would start weighing them every week to see how much she is. I've got a runt/dwarf pig now aged 5 but who was tiny compared to her sister when I got her. She's still much smaller than the others
My Shura is small as well :). His mate Hriusha is HUGE(sort of) and when they are near each other Shura looks even smaller.
As long as she is eating well and appears happy and active, then she is probably just a small piggie.

Quite a few years ago I had a piggie called Bonnie. She was slight, never had a tummy on her, just petite but a picture of health and happiness.

Just keep an eye on Suzy. Weigh her, write it down and keep a record. Watch how much she is eating just in case she isn't getting her fairshare. She might have a growth spurt shortly! :)
Yes, we have a runt. He has gained weight, but very, very slowly. When we got him he weighed 1/2 a pound. It took him about 3 months to get up to 3/4 pound and the fourth month he went up to 1 pound. We have had him almost 9 months. He just recently in the last 2 months has started gaining weight again and is up to 1 and 3/4 pound. He should be around 1 year old at this point too.
Oh, she's definitely getting her share of the food! It's like a feeding frenzy when the hay and veggies go in! ;D

I'm going to buy some scales at lunch so I can weigh them both when I get in tonight. Thanks for reassuring me everyone!
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