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Not eating/losing weight after molar trim

Okay, thank you!

How do you know when they’re kind of finished when you’re feeding them?
Does it have to be at the same time every morning or just whenever I go in there to feed her first feeding in the morning? It’s weird cause I go in there every few hours to feed her again and it doesn’t always land on the same time every morning.

She will start to refuse to take more.

Weighing daily at the same time each day means you are able to know you are weighing her at the same place in her feeding cycle. It doesnt have to be exact but weigh before the first feed of the day
She has been weighing the same every morning. She has started showing more interest in her hay. I’ve seen her eat a few pieces. Sometimes she has issues and does that weird face while eating it. It also takes her a bit longer to chew one piece of hay but it’s progress.

How do I know when to slow down on syringe feeding? Right now she’s getting anywhere from 10-15 ml every 4 hours
She has been weighing the same every morning. She has started showing more interest in her hay. I’ve seen her eat a few pieces. Sometimes she has issues and does that weird face while eating it. It also takes her a bit longer to chew one piece of hay but it’s progress.

How do I know when to slow down on syringe feeding? Right now she’s getting anywhere from 10-15 ml every 4 hours

I wouldn’t think she is ready for you to stop the syringe feeding her - eating a few pieces won’t be enough.
But, the way to do it is to cut out a feed or to decrease the amount of each feed by a little and then see whether she maintains her weight the next day. If she doesn’t then she still isn’t eating enough for herself.

In some cases, when a piggy is eating enough independently they start to refuse the syringe feeds
I wouldn’t think she is ready for you to stop the syringe feeding her - eating a few pieces won’t be enough.
But, the way to do it is to cut out a feed or to decrease the amount of each feed by a little and then see whether she maintains her weight the next day. If she doesn’t then she still isn’t eating enough for herself.

In some cases, when a piggy is eating enough independently they start to refuse the syringe feeds
I am still planning on keeping her on critical care for a while. I just wasn’t too sure how/when to stop the syringe feedings :)

She has started making a hooting noise. She hasn’t choked or done anything weird when I’ve been feeding her. It is quite loud though. What does that mean? Should I be worried?
She has been buried in her hay a few times today. She hasn’t really ate much hay but she has buried herself in there a few times. I don’t know if that could’ve caused it? It worries me a bit
It could be. Hooting is generally something like hay dust in the nasal passages. Piggies have narrow airways so any obstruction is quite audible.
Usually a sneeze will clear it.
If it continues for more than a few hours, doesn’t clear with a sneeze or if you become worried about her, then do see a vet.
I haven’t heard the hooting noise coming from her any more. I would occasionally hear it but it has seemed to have stopped.

It’ll be a week tomorrow she had her teeth trimmed. She is spending loads more time in the hay pile. I have seen her eat some hay with occasional trouble. I tried a stick of pepper and she will “eat” a piece and then a second later she’ll spit it out a bit and then eat it again. She did that a few times and made a few faces but she ate it okay for the most part. I have cut some of her cc feedings down and she’s the same weight like everytime I weigh her. I even started second guessing my scale 🙄🤣 I think she’s doing better but I just wish she was doing better than what she is now.
Is it normal for her to still have some discomfort? today it has been a week since her not so great dental work happened. She will eat pieces of hay. Still struggles with the more stem like pieces of hay and will still make some odd faces I’m sure as a result of discomfort.

Is this normal a week out? I know she was still bleeding in her mouth two days after her dental and quite a bit of trauma to her gums afterwards. The vet she seen on Friday said her molars looked fine, just the trauma to her poor little mouth. She still gets critical care to help and she’s still herself. I’m glad to see she’s eating hay but saddened to see her still having some discomfort.
Is it normal for her to still have some discomfort? today it has been a week since her not so great dental work happened. She will eat pieces of hay. Still struggles with the more stem like pieces of hay and will still make some odd faces I’m sure as a result of discomfort.

Is this normal a week out? I know she was still bleeding in her mouth two days after her dental and quite a bit of trauma to her gums afterwards. The vet she seen on Friday said her molars looked fine, just the trauma to her poor little mouth. She still gets critical care to help and she’s still herself. I’m glad to see she’s eating hay but saddened to see her still having some discomfort.

Is she still on painkillers?
Update on Penelope: She had started eating hay a lot more and a lot easier. I slowed down the critical care feedings and she was not losing anymore weight. She is still on Antibiotics and meloxicam for a few more days.

Although recently, I’ve noticed her dropping to the 695 or so when she was weighing around 715-725g. I’ve started topping up with critical care more often and she sometimes does that opening of her mouth indicating she still has some pain going on. She’s still eating and drinking just fine but not why she’s been losing it again. I know they can fluctuate 30g from a full/empty bladder but she’s been weighing around the 695 every time or so.

Her cage mate, minnie has a vet appointment tomorrow for weight loss. Last time it was a uti so we will see! I asked if I could bring Penelope to have her mouth/teeth checked while we there and the vet said yes. So we will see what they say tomorrow. It’s easier for me to bring the both of them since we live so far from the vets.
Here is a video Link to how she eats a bell pepper.
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She’s eating it with her mouth open but this is different than the original mouth motion she was doing. Before, she would open her mouth and stop chewing and try to get the food out. This time, she’s chewing fast but she’s chewing with her mouth more open. I’m just glad she’s able to chew and it goes down okay.