*Nostalgia* Fave toy as a young 'un!

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I had keepers! I loved mine I always wanted the snail one that opened to put the smaller ones in! I also loved my pound puppies which I still have! Barbies and Cindy were a big hit too!
Mine was Darren Doll, he had one of those noise things in his back, when you tipped him up he cried, well sort of cried. I still have him in the loft oh & my Mickey Monkey, he was another fave :)
Oh anyone remember those cupcake dolls they had ? Little doll had the dress you pulled over her head and her ha was a cake top and wala a cupcake, loved those dls, had a pink, purple, orange and blue :)
id also have to say the snes, was my mums! so while everyone was at school she had something to do. but we were allowed and hour a day if we were lucky xD

Other than that maybe action men and erm... my tonka dump truck :D
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