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No Poo

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Looking for advice on my piggy not 'going'. He's been off for a while, been to vet twice, he's not eating properly and isn't peeing or pooing. Was at vets today and given jab to try and help him go but there's still very little in the way of poo (small amounts of urine are coming through). Any advice?
What has the vet said they think it is? Is he eating and drinking alright? I personally would take him to a rodentologist. :)
Cavy Crazy said:
What has the vet said they think it is? Is he eating and drinking alright? I personally would take him to a rodentologist. :)

I agree. The vet not done or said anything? It's not right. If he's been to the vet twice and still the same, then the vet isn't very good in my opinion :-\
The first time he got antibiotics because he had a snot nose. Today he went because he hasn't been to the toilet properly since Saturday. He isn't eating properly, just nibbling things, he is drinking water I just don't understand what's going on. Vet gave him injection to try and make him go but still nothing. Listened to bowel too and it is making noises that it is still working so why no poop? Plus I have no idea if there i s a rodentologist near me. I live in West of Scotland near Glasgow. Anybody know of any?
He's not pooing because he's not eating. If he were mine I would be syringe feeding Oxbow Critical Care. Rodentologists are good but can't always give the meds you need. Sounds like yours has a URI and needs some Septrim (phone CCT for dose) Give Probiotics too (Bio Lapis is good). He also needs Bisolvon (for cats) to get rid of the catarrh on his chest (if he has a URI?) or the antibiotics can't always work properly. Syringe the Bisolvon in even if you're told to put it with his water, that way you know he's getting it. Just what I do if its a URI...
He could have compacted anus, and a bladder infection (although with a wee infection i would expect blood) which could possibly be the cause of him not eating because he doesn't feel well. although this may not be the problem i'm not a vet or expert lol
As cavycrazy suggested a rodentologist would be good! O0 Or even if you cannot find one look for another vet round your area that could maybe more recommendable?

And you can try and syringe feed him as other people have suggested, science selective, critical care. You can get them in sachets for about a pound or so :)

Keep us updated! O0
Just thought, they often lose their appetite when they have antibiotics, are you giving Probiotics too?
Agree with Karen. The reason he is not going is because he isn't eating. If nothing is in him, then nothing will come out. Like Ali also said he may also have a impacted anus. Ask the vet to give you something to boost his appetite, syringe feeding such as Science Recovery or Critical Care would be good as well and feed him his favourite foods. Make sure he is still drinking enough. The only other things I can think of at the moment is he may have a blockage or an infection. I would try and find another vet who is more experienced with guineas. If you have any rescues near you ring them and they should be able to suggest some good guinea pig vets or rodentologist. Keep us updated. O0
Is he in any pain? If so this could be the reason why he is not eating. If he is ask the vet for some pain killers. Has no gone yet? :)
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you all. Got critical care from vet, what a carry on. They didn't have a clue what I was talking about but to cut a long story short I got it and he's just had his first lot, which was also a carry on! He loved the first few syringe fulls then he didn't want to know but he got it anyway. Getting more worried though because he has lost loads more weight and is getting more lethargic. Hoping he starts to pick up now, oh forgot to say he has pooed but they are tiny and very pale but at least it's something. Will let you all know how he is tomorrow.
piggy said:
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you all. Got critical care from vet, what a carry on. They didn't have a clue what I was talking about but to cut a long story short I got it and he's just had his first lot, which was also a carry on! He loved the first few syringe fulls then he didn't want to know but he got it anyway. Getting more worried though because he has lost loads more weight and is getting more lethargic. Hoping he starts to pick up now, oh forgot to say he has pooed but they are tiny and very pale but at least it's something. Will let you all know how he is tomorrow.

Great! O0 critical care is great stuff! Just tea spoon it or syringe it into their mouth, but i'm sure the vet has told you that already :D:D:D
Keep us posted O0
piggy said:
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you all. Got critical care from vet, what a carry on. They didn't have a clue what I was talking about but to cut a long story short I got it and he's just had his first lot, which was also a carry on! He loved the first few syringe fulls then he didn't want to know but he got it anyway. Getting more worried though because he has lost loads more weight and is getting more lethargic. Hoping he starts to pick up now, oh forgot to say he has pooed but they are tiny and very pale but at least it's something. Will let you all know how he is tomorrow.

The fact he is pooing is a good sign, however, I really think you need to find another source to have a look at him e.g. another more experienced vet, rodentologist, an experienced guinea pig keeper as him losing more weight and becoming more lethargic is very concerning. Did you ask the vet for anything to boost his appetite? Is he in pain at all? What happen before he stopped going? There is something not right and you need to find out what has caused this ASAP. :-\ :)
Tomorrow go to Boots/ Superdrug and get some Metatone. Its a tonic, give (I think) 0.4ml x2 daily, will check later. Has he had his mouth looked at? You need to try and feed 50 ml roughly a day if piggy isn't eating or he'll continue to lose weight.
Update on Reggie. Have been syringe feeding the critical care much to Reggie's disgust! The vet was no help what so ever. I was handed the critical care and asked do you know what your doing? Eh, no. Well it's not something we use but the directions are on the packet, that's £10.99 please!? However my mum done a lot of routing about for me and got the phone number of a lady in England who knows her stuff about Guineas. She said treat him as if he has thrush in his mouth but get him to a rodentologist as soon as possible. So, not only is he getting his critical care (midde of the night feed is going to be a nightmare I'll probably fall asleep at work tomorrow) he's also getting Daktarin mouth gel three times a day and Buscapan twice a day to help keep his guts right. I feel as if I'll either cure him or kill him. There isn't much change in his condition in fact I think he's went down again but on the plus side I have located a rodentologist in Cumbernauld, the Lawrie Veterinary Group, anyone heard of them? Phoning them tomorrow to make an appointment. It is quite a distant from me but I have to do it even if it's only to be told they can't do anything cause then I could let him go knowing I've done all I can for him. Update tomorrow and thanks for all the advice and support everybody.
Brilliant news and sounds like you are doing everything possible, let us know how you get on with the rodentologist, defiantly the best option. O0
He does'nt appear to have a URI. The snot nose cleared after 24hrs and there was no sign of cattarh on his chest. The main problem is now his non willingness to eat. He has perked up slightly but still will not eat or drink. As for the rodentologist I'm having a nightmare in that direction. Phoned the cumbernauld practice only to be told that he is full booked for the time being, however he does have another practice even further away from me in Falkirk and to try there as he may be able to see me there or he goes to the glasgow vet school on Wednesdays and may be able to see me there but consultation before any treatment would be fifty pounds! Does this sound excessive to anyone else? My mind was buzzing plus I felt like crap after getting up at three in the morning to feed Reggie so didn't know what to do but have decided to phone Falkirk practice to see if I can be taken any time soon. Can't believe it's being such a hassle to see a rodentologist think all vet practices should really have at least one vet who is cavy savvy it would be so much easier for us guinea owners. Anyway as I said Reggie is a bit brighter and hopefully when (or should that be if?) I manage to get to see someone for a diagnosis he should get back to his old self. Will phone Falkirk tomorrow and fingers crossed. Will keep you all posted.
Newsflash! I just went upstairs to get Reggie for his syringe feed and guess what? I found him eating his Supa Guinea! Nearly fell over backwards in shock! This is the first I've seen him eating for himself in a week! Trying not to get too excited but surely this is a turning point? Will keep the metatone in mind and will give it a go if this happens to be a flash in the pan, by the way what exactly is it and where would I get it? Keep fingers crossed that Reggie may finally be on the mend!
Doesn't sound like a CCT rodentologist ::) You need to get his teeth looked at ASAP and preferably by someone who can do so without anaesthetic or is at least experienced in dental work. Phone Vedra and chat to her about it. 07721 026401 to text/phone your message. There is someone in Cheshire who can help but this is probably too far.

Grate food for him to eat but offer strips/chunks of food first.

Contact Wendi at Thistle Cavies to see if she can give you any local advice. £50 is excessive in my opinion just for a consult. CCT rodentologuists do not charge (you need to be a member).

Re nightime: If he can take 10-12ml last thing at night(12.00) then he should be OK until 7.00am ish so you can get some rest. Keep up with the water too and perhaps put some rehydrating powders (Boots) in it.

LOL! Have posted this anyway, but glad he's eating! Maybe the Antibiotics got the better of him, they really take it out ofsome guins :/ Always use Probiotics just in case :)

Metatone is a tonic for Humans that have been ill good for getting post op piggies to eat or ill piggies to eat but you still need to diagnose the problem so you can cure it :)
Thanks karenrgpr, I thought fifty pounds was excessive too and if Reggie's sudden eating is a flash in the pan I certainly will be following your advice especially the bit about feeding at midnight! Last night because I knew I had to get up I couldn't sleep so I was awake till my alarm went at three then when I was finished I couldn't get to sleep cause it was starting to get light. I was a grumpy sod at work and felt like crap! Not that the kids at nursery noticed they still jumped all over me! Anyway thanks for the advice and I will lt you know how he's doing tomorrow. Goodnight for now.
I am glad he seems to be feeling better and that he has starting eating again. Keep us updated. O0
Bad news. The eating was a flash in the pan. He'll eat salad, grass and small amount of hay but won't touch his supa guinea or his favourite veggies even if I grate them and he refuses to drink from his bottle so having to syringe water in to him. Tearing my hair out wondering what's wrong but 90% sure it's his mouth oh and he is pooing but they're the size of a hamsters (slight exageration but you get the drift). Contacted Thistle Cavies and the lady there kindly pointed me in the direction of a few cavy savvy vets so phoning tomorrow. Will keep you updated as norm.
Sorry to hear he is not doing so well. Let us know what happens after you have talken to the vets. Keeping my fingers crossed. Come on Reggie. O0
Hi, Get some Calgel and Daktarin Oral Gel to put in mouth after dental work. Calgel will stop soreness and Daktarin for Fungal mouth probs. Soak the pellets he may pick them up on his own if not syringe them in at the side of the mouth using a 1ml syringe cut off at the end.
AHHHHHHHHHHH! WHY DO VETS KNOW SOD ALL ABOUT PIGGIES!! Been taken to another vet who was supposed to be good with piggies only to be told, no idea whats wrong and to have a look in his mouth I'd need to knock him out!? I'm losing heart now and starting to think Reggie would be better off put out his misery. Piggy owners in Scotland (Paisley Glasgow area) HELP!! What vets do you go too? Surely someone somewhere can help put me find a good vet to help my boy.
Vets spend very little time study guineas when they are learning/ training to become a vet, so most know very little about how to treat them. You really need to go and see a rodentologist, however, like we all know there aren't that many about. Don't give up it will be worth it in the end. Does Reggie actually seem like he is suffering? Hopefully someone on here could give you the name of a good guinea vet or rodentologist in/ around or near your area. Fingers are still crossed for the little guy. :( O0
A rodentologist can't give you the meds you need always though- you need a vet as well. Have him done under anesthetic if that is the only way, but if he is weak without aneasthetic would have been preferable. The main thing is to get him treated.
My vet today gave me some special prebiotic stuff called fibreplex for his gut to get his motions back to normal as he appears to have stopped for no reason. Haven't noticed much of a change yet in his movements but he has cheered up and is wheeking a lot more!
Have you asked the vet about giving him something to boost his appetite? If he isn't eating nothing is going to come out. :)
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