Newcastle-upon-tyne Meet

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It's due to leave Edinburgh at 9.08am - I think. I'm in coach D. Would be great if it's the same train :)

It's not the same train going but we think it's the same one back home.. x
13th is fine, can use my railcard to get there what time are we meeting?

@Stewybus if you're going by train which one do you think you'll be getting? May as well jump on the same train ... then I cant get lost!

@Loutopia ?
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I deliberately picked it because of being so close to the railway station & the shops aren't far away too. I'll work out which train we're getting Bekki & get back to you soon. I think the tickets will be for any trains on that day & we'll be travelling from Thornaby so your train will pass through there.
Just bumping this up.... Looking forward to meeting old & new friends.. :nod:
me either :-) got a week in London then this ... sounds like a good wheek to me :D
How about 12.30 pm. If that's too early for long distance travellers please let us know, it's quite flexible.
@Bekki were you planning to see the shops or just going for the meet up. If it's just for the meet up, the 10.40 train for you (11.00 for Sue & me) would get us there for 12.15. I'm easy either way, could get an earlier train that would get us there for 11.15 or earlier still!
Just straight there with you guys, I'm el skinto so cant even look at the shops :D on whichever train you guys get and happy to window shop if you want a nosy.
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Hey everyone, sorry I missed this thread yesterday - I've been off the forum for a while due to life being too hectic! Will be back properly in a week or so.

Just to let you all know I'll be arriving in Newcastle about 10.40am (went for the cheap early ticket!) Happy to meet anyone else who wants to meet earlier or equally happy to wonder about shops/find a coffee shop to sit and read in until the meet :)
It would be great to meet you Rachel - especially since I think I have been to your house!

Been in your house too, on Christmas Eve... :oops: forget that... other job... :)) Looking forward to meeting you all... :tu:
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