New piggies and possible ringworm


New Born Pup
Sep 27, 2020
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Hi all

Fresh off the back of losing our beautiful OAPiggy Diego we found the house too quiet. Today I picked up 2 5 week old sister's BUT as the breeder was handing them over noticed what she said looked like ringworm. We have a vet appointment booked for them in less than an hour, but wondered if anyone has successfully treated this could offer any advice on what worked best for them?

Any suggested beat practice? Keen to make sure we and our dog don't catch it too so any advice for us too beyond antifungal soap, antifungal shampoo and generally disinfecting everything they touch would be gratefully received xx
I’m sorry to hear this

I’ve added our ringworm guide below which explains everything in detail.

Disinfection of cage items with F10 as it is the only thing which kills ringworm.
The best treatment is oral intrafungol. Imaverol dips will also help.

Using creams is ineffective so don’t let the vet try to get you use those - unfortunately we still see it, owners advised to use anti fungal creams but the issue just gets worse as spores are shed from a wider area.

Thank you. I read this whilst on the phone to the vet but it is great to have it pinned here so I can reference it again. We have some hibiscrub here which kills fungus so we are using that for our hands and nizoral as I am itching already, which I know is psychological but still ha ha.

F10 ordered and awaiting delivery of it. The breeder did offer to not sell them to us due to the infection but she was using creams so I wanted them out of there. Still hoping the vet says mites. That I've dealt with before and can do again, this is new. Xx
HI and welcome

The biggest challenge with ringworm is disinfection and getting on top of the highly contagious, species jumping and lived invisible ringworm spores the first time round in order to avoid long running sagas.

It is really worth throwing the kitchen sink at it and have a couple of somewhat manic weeks but then be rid of it for good or at least able to stop it right at the start if you happen to have a relapse. We can confirm after all this time that following the advice in our guide and our approach of cutting all off all possible transmission routes really works.
False economics with just creaming usually ends in a never ending frustrating saga because spores are shed in their thousands and cause reinfections for years to come. :(

In that, it is actually quicker to get on top of than a full three rounds skin parasite course for either mange or hay mites, which at vet grade strength usually takes a month.
Please be aware that ivermectin will temporarily suppress ringworm but that the ringworm will inevitably come back in full strength if misdiagnosed.

PS: We recommend to order F10 concentrate because you can make it up at any strength needed (ringworm requires the top concentration. Because it lasts you for ages, it is the cheapest cage cleaner but can also be used as antiseptic for disinfection with accidents or even nebulisation in a much thinner concentration. ;)
The vet gave us some medicated shampoo called malaseb (Miconazole with some other ingredients such as chlorhexidine) as due to their age she was reluctant to give oral antibiotics. She has said if the patches grow then we can have them.

So bath time has been done and then I have to put it on at full strength just to the affected area and then let it dry before removing the dry shampoo with plain water.

Malaseb is the shampoo they give to cats, so it is a good starting point. Hopefully by daily bathing them both we get those spores in their entirety. To be safe as well we'll bathe our dog too every couple of days.

Will keep you posted xx
The vet gave us some medicated shampoo called malaseb (Miconazole with some other ingredients such as chlorhexidine) as due to their age she was reluctant to give oral antibiotics. She has said if the patches grow then we can have them.

So bath time has been done and then I have to put it on at full strength just to the affected area and then let it dry before removing the dry shampoo with plain water.

Malaseb is the shampoo they give to cats, so it is a good starting point. Hopefully by daily bathing them both we get those spores in their entirety. To be safe as well we'll bathe our dog too every couple of days.

Will keep you posted xx

Malaseb dip is OK and does work against ringworm. Please be very careful around the eyes so they do not painfully swell up. Ideally you just use the suds and a cotton bud.

You will find malaseb listed in the ringworm guide as one of the recommended possible treatments. I've used it myself in the days before oral treatment became an option. :)
I did exactly that, used suds and a cotton buds to be sure I didn't hurt her eyes.

She only has one very small patchy under her eye but she'll have the baths every day too. She loved it so much, she bit me to show her appreciation ha ha xx
So we got up this morning to find a large patch of traditional looking ringworm behind her ear. Around her eye the fur is growing back but it makes me feel the breeder had been "treating" with cream but was fully aware. I know I could return for my money back but I can't imagine sending them back to a place where they will be sold on again and someone else put in this situation.

Another dip done and disinfectant being used like water. Thankfully as yet her cage mate isn't showing any signs but will keep an eye. Will contact vet again if it keeps spreading.

Nizoral and antifungal soap being used by the humans every day, and antifungal shampoo for the dog today too!. FML. I can never just have simple animals ha ha
So we got up this morning to find a large patch of traditional looking ringworm behind her ear. Around her eye the fur is growing back but it makes me feel the breeder had been "treating" with cream but was fully aware. I know I could return for my money back but I can't imagine sending them back to a place where they will be sold on again and someone else put in this situation.

Another dip done and disinfectant being used like water. Thankfully as yet her cage mate isn't showing any signs but will keep an eye. Will contact vet again if it keeps spreading.

Nizoral and antifungal soap being used by the humans every day, and antifungal shampoo for the dog today too!. FML. I can never just have simple animals ha ha

Just persist and keep pushing through.

The new ringworm areas are consistent with inadequate ringworm care (creaming never catches all the shed spores, which are then often picked up from the bedding to cause a new outbreak).

And you are totally right with your reasoning re. handing them back. :( :( :(
I will do everything I can, and will get there. Any ideas how long this will take? I have a major surgery in 4 weeks so want to make sure the treatment can continue whilst I'm laid up. Trying to work out if I can let my partner just continue after observing me, or if I should "train" him xx
Vet has agreed to intrafungol. Thank small mercies for that as she has scratched herself silly despite the dips. Will be vet wrapping her rear paws overnight to stop her scratching as much as there was blood everywhere and this is not good. Vet admitted they have limited experience as they usually just advice Daktarin cream. I have some of that anyway to take the soreness out but know that won't catch all the spore. Once we have the meds there will be a massive deep clean of the entire area, a dip and then meds, and then cream for soothing. Constant disinfection during treatment and then another deep clean at the end. Will keep you posted!
1 w(h)eek down and I thought we were doing so well containing the outbreak to their heads. Alas this morning found 3 more spots on Folly and one on Feren, all on their haunches. So far the dog hasn't caught it and nor us, but expecting that to change. Keeping on going despite the bites from Feren as she hates the medication and the cream. I am using the cream to moisturise a bit, but using malaseb twice a day onto the spots, and dipping every 3 days, alongside the meds as I know the cream will not catch the spores.

The bathing I am giving them seems to be helping loosen the scabs too which in turn stops them scratching as much.

In the meanwhile here is Folly and Feren enjoying spinach after their bath last night


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Update- the ringworm has stopped spreading and the bald patches have started sprouting new fur. I did a disinfection of the cage last night as well as a dip, and today marks the start of 2 weeks of further quarantine with only the antifungal medication instead of the daily cream, medicine and shampoo application. Hoping at the end of the 2 weeks there are no signs of any new infected areas, and then at the end of the 2 weeks I'll do another dip and disinfection and hopefully we are home and dry.

The pigs are currently zooming round the cage with their nightly zoomies, which I didn't even know was a thing! Xx