New (old!) friend coming!

Older photo but yes! They a stayed together over night. Cookie (the new old lady) has been very very gentle, if yen chitters her teeth she’ll back away so I’ve felt very confident. I think they both want each other but obv they need to organise themselves still but I feel happy to leave them to it now!

Thank you everyone! Kind of worried about the feeding as don’t know if that will cause issues when I put a bowl in. I’ve gave them both a big chunk of pepper for now and the have plenty of hay + I’ve scatter fed some grains for now!

Glad that they are still on track. By now, any major problems or lack of acceptance should be obvious.

I would recommend to scatter feed veg and any pellets anyway since it counts as enrichment, stimulating their foraging instinct and keeping bowl hogging and soiling at a minimum.
I had no idea lots of people don’t even use bowls that’s super interesting! We have ditched the bowls, scatter feeding everything and they seem super happy atm!

It seems like cookie (who is lit twice a big as yen) is very subdue to yen, if she chatters at her she will back away completely or if yen wants to give her ears a little lick she just lets her do whatever 😭 she’s such soft little potato not wanting to cause any trouble

Thank you everyone for the help and advice, I’m sure they can enjoy retirement together now ❤️