New (old!) friend coming!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
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Not totally here for advice more to just share a little update on my piggy lifeee!

I don’t know if anyone else has read my other posts, but my golden piggie Ciri died about a month back. I actually found it very traumatic, worse than I thought it would be, and I told myself I’d never get another pig because it hurt so much.

But spending time with my other pig Yen, I remembered how amazing guinea pigs are. Yen is terminally ill with bad kidneys, and she’s had a variety of different illnesses throughout her life. I always said she was my challenge, but most times I get her out and she gives me very gentle little licks and nibbles, and that makes everything worth it.

A rescue shared that they aren’t getting as many people adopting guinea pigs as they used to.

Long story short I’m taking on an old lady pig, a 6 year old sow next week, I’ve ordered more cc cage parts so I’m going to create a 3x2 cage which I will eventually connect to my 4x2 (with 1x2 loft) if bonding goes well and these ladies get on so they’ll have a nice big cage.
Not really sure what to expect, only ever had my two girls but it’s took me time to realise how amazing they are as pets and I know I can give them a lot of attention and effort. I work from home and my pigs have always shared my work space so we are always together. I’m a little worried that she’s coming to me already quite old, however I know that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve lots of love and a nice warm home.

Any advice on bonding is great but I’ve done a lot of research so should be good! My plan is to take on older pigs now on because I know people always want the babies and think I can give them a nice peaceful retirement home
Good for you taking in the old lady.
She can live out her days in a loving home.
Have a read through the forum bonding guides which are excellent.
Sorry I can’t link for you - I’m still in the Stone Age technologically speaking

Not totally here for advice more to just share a little update on my piggy lifeee!

I don’t know if anyone else has read my other posts, but my golden piggie Ciri died about a month back. I actually found it very traumatic, worse than I thought it would be, and I told myself I’d never get another pig because it hurt so much.

But spending time with my other pig Yen, I remembered how amazing guinea pigs are. Yen is terminally ill with bad kidneys, and she’s had a variety of different illnesses throughout her life. I always said she was my challenge, but most times I get her out and she gives me very gentle little licks and nibbles, and that makes everything worth it.

A rescue shared that they aren’t getting as many people adopting guinea pigs as they used to.

Long story short I’m taking on an old lady pig, a 6 year old sow next week, I’ve ordered more cc cage parts so I’m going to create a 3x2 cage which I will eventually connect to my 4x2 (with 1x2 loft) if bonding goes well and these ladies get on so they’ll have a nice big cage.
Not really sure what to expect, only ever had my two girls but it’s took me time to realise how amazing they are as pets and I know I can give them a lot of attention and effort. I work from home and my pigs have always shared my work space so we are always together. I’m a little worried that she’s coming to me already quite old, however I know that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve lots of love and a nice warm home.

Any advice on bonding is great but I’ve done a lot of research so should be good! My plan is to take on older pigs now on because I know people always want the babies and think I can give them a nice peaceful retirement home


Here is our step by step bonding guide.

Please be aware that old ladies can be very unpredictable: Some are really happy about having a new friend and others will never accept a new mate again. They still profit from next door neighbouring for ongoing stimulation.

Perhaps you may want think about a 2+1 layout for the long term so those unrehomeable/unbondable single oldies could have a retirement place with you? It would also allow you to have a single boar as a neighbour to sows for a bit more flexibility.
Good for you taking in the old lady.
She can live out her days in a loving home.
Have a read through the forum bonding guides which are excellent.
Sorry I can’t link for you - I’m still in the Stone Age technologically speaking
Haha that’s no worries! I feel quite positive for the bonding, I’ve been told she’s quite shy and chill which is great because that’s exactly how my pig is 🩷 but even if they don’t go on there is enough room for them to be neighbours 🙏

Here is our step by step bonding guide.

Please be aware that old ladies can be very unpredictable: Some are really happy about having a new friend and others will never accept a new mate again. They still profit from next door neighbouring for ongoing stimulation.

Perhaps you may want think about a 2+1 layout for the long term so those unrehomeable/unbondable single oldies could have a retirement place with you? It would also allow you to have a single boar as a neighbour to sows for a bit more flexibility.
Yes I’d love this! I’ve had so much fun having pigs even tho the last bit is so painful, but I know I have the time to care for some so I shouldn’t let my space go to waste 🩷 I’ll update how it goes and if it’s good I’d happily take on another! Do you think a 3x2 cage would be enough for a single long term if I did find a boar that preferrred to be alone? X
Yes I’d love this! I’ve had so much fun having pigs even tho the last bit is so painful, but I know I have the time to care for some so I shouldn’t let my space go to waste 🩷 I’ll update how it goes and if it’s good I’d happily take on another! Do you think a 3x2 cage would be enough for a single long term if I did find a boar that preferrred to be alone? X

It is the absolute minimum. Frankly, I have always found it uncomfortably small for any length of time for any emergency singles of mine. It is essentially the same ground space as a 60 x120 traditional cage, just a bit wider but shorter. I did compensate with daily roaming time while trying my best to work out as companionship solution as quickly as possible.
I adopted Rainbow Piggy Pretty Patsy who was an older lady a few years ago. She got on well will Rainbow Piggy Silver Fox Christian and his sister Rainbow Piggy Meg. I was told she was 5 and a half but by her body condition she was more like 7 or older according to the vet. Mine was her third home. She lived out a happy and spoilt retirement for around a year.
Piggie has arrived! She looks fab in weight (a big girl!) but when I saw her in the carrier her nails looked insanely long 🥺 it seems like two kids where mainly looking after and loving her. She was in a carrier with just a large, old carrot.

Shes obviously very spooked rn, so I’ve left her with some snacks. My other pig keeps looking through the bars and seeing if she’ll come out (they are in separate cages don’t worry) I’d like to get her out and do a check and nail clip on her asap, but I’m worried I’m going to scare her. Should I wait a few days?
Give her a week or two to settle in. Also cover her cage with a blanket as this will help her to feel safe. She's in a new environment which is very scary for a prey animal. If you have the time, sit near the cage and just chat to her. Anything will do your shopping list, read a book, what you did at work .... Anything so she gets used to your voice.
I’d wait too.
I have 2 newly rescued piggies who are still scared.
@Betsy ’s suggestions are good.
I’ve been reading German children’s stories to mine.
Don’t worry about nails or a thorough health check yet - all I’m doing is a weight check and a cursory look of eyes and ears for the moment.
Time and patience are the key.
I’d wait too.
I have 2 newly rescued piggies who are still scared.
@Betsy ’s suggestions are good.
I’ve been reading German children’s stories to mine.
Don’t worry about nails or a thorough health check yet - all I’m doing is a weight check and a cursory look of eyes and ears for the moment.
Time and patience are the key.
That’s brilliant , I share my studio space with the pigs so I’m always chatting away to myself so she’ll defo hear me regardless 😂
Okay I’ll give her a nice amount of time! I’ve gone up and checked and there’s little poops where she’s been so she has been up and out. My other pig is biting her cage she is so nosy to see who she is 😂😂 she’s never this curious about anything 😂😂
Give her a week or two to settle in. Also cover her cage with a blanket as this will help her to feel safe. She's in a new environment which is very scary for a prey animal. If you have the time, sit near the cage and just chat to her. Anything will do your shopping list, read a book, what you did at work .... Anything so she gets used to your voice.
Yes that’s perfect, I already put a blanket on top of the cage for her so it’s like half covered so she has the option 🤗 my pigs usually have this anyway so it’s all nice and snug