new indoor cage

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I think we've all heard and everyone has offered you some good advice here - you're just not choosing to take it.

I'd go away and think about it if I were you and see if there's anything you can do to give them more open space. As Sokel suggested, a wooden frame thing would be quite cheap to build.

You've got some lovely pigs there, vey cute!

i have listened and taken your advise it seems to me your helping to make a situation out of something that doesnt need to be a situation i have lisented and taken you advice and all you people have done is reapeat youself and it seems to me your not even reading the posts you typing wats on mind at the time i suggest you read this threadf again and true to realise wat i have i have been tryiong to tell cause i honestly dont the point of repeating myself anymore
Please listen to us. The tubs aren't given ventilaton and guinea pigs need space to run and play, tubs cant give that. We are only trying to help. You will end up with some sick piggies on your hands.
No I don't see the point of repeating myself either. :-\ We are only trying to help. Your pigs need one block of 5x2 not three seperate.
'you people' - lovely way you have of talking to people!
Its got nothing to do with your age either, there are plenty of teens on this forum and they are mature and friendly and respectful, Ive not seen any of that from you.
You havent really explained very well how things are.
What I THINK youre trying to say is that you WANT to do something better than storage tubs for your pigs but that because of money constraints you cant improve anything at the moment.
Lets hope that that changes very soon so that those piggies can escape those tubs, because theyre not very nice for them.
How come your friends pigs escaped a c&c cage?
I used to have a c&c cage and unless the piggies could climb the sides, there was no way that they could escape, maybe because I secured the grids with cable ties!?
thy can on though ach of thm an honstly it bttr thn thm living in a woo box

[colorr]x wat o you guys xpct m to o

about 8 months ago i ha a vist from th SPA thr chck out som of my othr cags that wr wors thn that on on an in't hav a problm with thm

an i ont hav mony rstraints its my lrs that chos wat to buy

[colorr]it for languag again
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If i couldn't afford to give my piggies a better cage i wouldn't have my piggies at all. My piggies are currently in 3 cages and i have all the stuff i need to build the girls a large cage and the boys one. I am going to construct a wonden frame and secure with wire cost me £25 for the lot. The only reason its not done is because my daughter is due to go into hospital, but will be done next week when we get her home. At the moment my piggies are in seperate runs all day which measure 5 by 2.

I find it hard to believe there is no one that can help you give them a better home. If you cant supply a better home then maybe you should look into rehoming them.

And respect for people trying to give you advice and help which you need costs nothing.
i've had pig's for 2 years and it only ever seems when i put threads on forums that problems seem to arouse

how old are you ?
My lord young lady, moderate your language!
You are being VERY disrespectful now and if you dont alter that I personally will report your language and behaviour to the site managers!
I was going to post a helpful reply but you know what, you really dont deserve our concern.
I hope that your piggies get something better real soon, before living in badly ventilated, small floor area's storage box's affects their health!
People have gone out of their way to help you and this is now going round in circles. If you post things like this on a forum and problems keep arising from it then perhaps you should take the hint that you do perhaps need to make improvements?

I will leave this thread here for reference so that everyone can see all people have done is try to help and hopefully sometime, for the sake of your poor guinea pigs, you will take on board the advice given.

If anyone wants to contact me regarding this (including you, brinkly, if you want advice WITHOUT the swearing) then feel free to PM me. Thread locked.
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