new indoor cage

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me and mums bf daral got to work on the weekend buliding a new indoor cage and this is what we came up with the piggies seem to love it

from above

from side

and yea these some piccies of my piggies exploring there new cage
Love the tunnels love :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
awwwww look at the piggies sitting in the food ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
yea my pigs love sitting in the food it gets annoying though when having to feed
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to be honest when I say I'm not sure I like it! It really doesn't look big enough for 5 piggies and cages really need to be ventilated from the side. With no ventilation on the side ammonia can build up and can contribute to serious respiratory problems.

I'd be really worried too about not having something on the floor to absorb urine - their feet and bellies can get urine scald from the acidity. Where's their hay?

Cages like this are more suitable for hammies but really not piggies I'm afraid.
thr is bing it's call kitty littr which for your information is 100% rcycl papr

an thr is vntalation, plnty of it so gt you ****** facts right

an if you say it's not big nough for 5 pig's you shoul go gt a ****** lif show m you cags an how many pig's you kpin in thm caus as far as i no th cag i suitabl for fiv pig's

an thr's plnty of hay thr just wasnt any at that tim caus thy' atin it all

as far as i no kitty littr is absobn an nwspapr is an thats wats on th floor

thr's only 3 piggis an 3 bubs but th bubs will b going to a frin of min soon any way an on of th aults so thr will only b 2 pig's

[colorr]Mo Not : Eit to rmov swaring
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If they'd eaten all the hay then there wasn't enough for them. They should have UNLIMITED hay.

Tell me where the ventilation is on the sides? It's not obvious in the picture? Where's the newspaper on the tub on the left? Did you know that the gases released from urine don't rise?

I have 5 pigs in a cage measuring 2 x 7 in grids (that's roughly 80cm by 200cm) - not that I feel I have to justify myself to someone who is swearing at me. See

I hope for the sake of your pigs you take on advice and develop a better attitude.
There is no need for that attitude at all. I agree with DSL these 'tubs' are more suited for Hamsters. There isn't ventilation not like what a hutch or proper cage can provide. 5 pigs should be kept in a cage that can provide 7 foot x 2 foot worth of space. 3 pigs should be housed in a cage that is 5 foot x 2 foot.
well that cage is
width of both small tubs=50cm
width of big tub =83cm

i personally feel this is suitable as there is usually only 3 piggies living in this cage but due to a litter born unsuspectingly a little while ago there is more pig's then ussal as i have noted these pigs will soon be going to a new home at one of my friends houses or i can contact somone to take them in
Sorry but i feel I have to post on this thread.
I dont agree with using tubs at all for guinea pigs. The tubes would also worry me, i dont think my piggie would come out the tube if he got the chance.
Also DSL was only having her say, as this is a forum when you post something you need to except and respect other people's opinions. Plenty things can be said or done that other people dont agree with or like but we all respect that everyone has different opinions and respect each other for that. I honestly feel that an apology is needed.

I did notice your in Brisbane, so maybe there isn't so much information regarding cage sizes etc where you are? basically bigger is always better.
well considered to the cage there were living in before this one is actually bigger and better

i belive thered rather be inside then out side as winter is nearing and it could out side

and you should have noticed that i am only 15 i look after my piggies not my mum
Perhaps Glynis, choloe or another Aussie member could advise on more appropriate housing? I know a few people in Australia with C&C cages so it is definitely a possibility over there. One of them is in Brisbane, in fact, so I'll see if she can post here.

Guinea pigs like to run laps and popcorn which they can't do in a cage that's made up of different sized compartments
it's not all different two the same one differnt and there so go out in the day time sometimes to get some freash air and eat some grass
Please please look into a C&c cage or some other apporiate housing for them. If you are only 15 then an adult should realyl be helping you as much as possible with the guinea pigs. Also a 15 year old should not be swearing at someone trying to offer help.
well i have had trouble with other forums everone seems to think I'm a cruel guinea pig owner who doesn't no the frist thing about looking after guinea pig's

and it just seems the more i try to give my pig's the best life possible the more people think I'm a creul person who derserve's to get them taken of me i have already made sacrifies by giving up alot of my piggys in the past and my mum does currently own my male guinea pig's so it only my three girls that i usally own but as i said in another post we went camping over new years break when i had dividers in my cage's to seperate males from females and as honey was in that cage they broke my divider and she got inpregnant these piggy's are now four weeks old and will be going to there new hoke some time in these next week
No one is saying your cruel at all. that has never been posted. All we are doing is trying to give you the best advice so the piggies have the best life. You must be able to build a more suitable cage in you room? Please think about it and try. Please ask us all questions, we are all here to help each other not pick on each other. We can all help and give you some great advice. xx
well i still dont see the poblem with that cage is the piggies seem to love it there not squeking at me or anything and we did make sure we brought tubes big aneaf as the pig's stretch out when going though the tubes
Well we have tried to give you better advice and if you choose to ignore it then there is nothing we can do
I'm not ignorning you advice theres nothing i can do this instence and theres nothing i can do til i get some time and money to build a bigger cage
Can you parents not help you out with the money? It honeslty wouldnt cost a lot. x
i have to work to get money out of mum

and daral only just brought the materals for that cage

and c&c grids are not the best as my ex best friend lost some of her pig's out of c&c grids
Well how about making up a cage designed like a run? You could then use something to line the bottom of the cage with, like correx. The way its easy to clean out, larger, and they have suitable ventilation.
how the fudge would i do that

i still don't get how that cage does not have proper ventalation
C&C - I've had pigs gets out from them too but if you use wire to bind the grids together it doesn't cause a problem at all.

Your ventilation is at the top but they need it at the sides too.
It is plastic on all the sides. A cage needs to be open on at least one side to let fresh air in. Fresh air can't come in from the top and fumes can't escape up the way.
it's still a start

anyway as you should no bye now three pig's should be able to live in that cage very comfortable
well that cage is
width of both small tubs=50cm
width of big tub =83cm

I'm sure the cage is big enough
I get the feeling no matter how much advice we offer its not going to make any difference. I know your only 15 but that doesn't excuse leaving the piggies in tubs. Please seek help from an adult and build them suitable accomodation. its not fair on the pggies. xx
god do you guys read or just read wat you want to hear i have tried to explain my prdicament with you pepleo andyou've just basically ignored it
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