Adult Guinea Pig
"You run, run, run away
It's your heart that you betray
Feeding on your hungry eyes
I bet you're not so civilized
Well, isn't love primitive
A wild gift that you want to give
Break out of captivity
And follow me stereo jungle child
Love is the kill
Your heart's still wild
Shooting at the walls of heartache bang, bang
I am the warrior
Well, I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive"
"The Warrior" by Scandal
Next word: thunder
It's your heart that you betray
Feeding on your hungry eyes
I bet you're not so civilized
Well, isn't love primitive
A wild gift that you want to give
Break out of captivity
And follow me stereo jungle child
Love is the kill
Your heart's still wild
Shooting at the walls of heartache bang, bang
I am the warrior
Well, I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive"
"The Warrior" by Scandal
Next word: thunder