New Baby Girls Fighting


New Born Pup
Aug 28, 2017
Reaction score
East grinstead
Hi. I'm new. I'm really worried and need advice. I have two female guibeas. They are around 7 weeks old. One of them keeps continually chasing the other and trying to bite her. It's been happening since we got them just over a week ago. It did seem to get better but today has been relentless. They other one squeals as soon as she starts coming near her. When out the cage and running around the room which is set up with loads of boxes and hide outs. They get on fine. When holding them together they are fine. Some times in the cage they will sit next to each other fine. However most of the time they are in separate houses. If the more dominant one is eating and the other goes up for food she chases her away. Today she hasn't left her alone so I've now separated them.
They are 100% both girls.
They have a 120cm cage with 2 levels plus a feeding station level. They have two separate houses. 2 food bowls and two water bottles.
They are from the same litter and have been together the whole time.
I've rang the pet shop who told me I may have to separate them and get another cage and 2 more guinea pigs to keep them company! I obviously would rather not do this. I have for the time being set them up on a level each. Please help. I feel really stressed by it. What can I do? How long should I leave them separated?

Thank you
Have they drawn blood? If they're not very old it could just be that they're moody hormonal teenagers! I myself have split up girls but my Noodle was being attacked! There's a big difference between dominance, bullying and fights. If you put them in a big space for floor time are they fine ? Can separate just for veggie time and keep them together the rest of the time? Don't separate to quickly because then it's harder to re-bond back together. I don't know if 7 week old sows come in to season just yet but this can make them a bit irritable and nasty with each other. But it shouldn't last much longer than a week.

I'd keep them together monitor them and their weight to make sure they are both getting enough food and then obviously separate if blood is drawn x
Hi. Thank you for replying. No they haven't drawn blood. I'm not even sure if she actually bites or just tries too. They are completely fine on the floor running around together. It's just in the cage she seems to bully her. I read that they come into season between 4-6 weeks so they could be? I've had them on different levels for 3 hours now. Should I put them back together? She has been moody on and off for over a week now but today was the worst she's been and she just wouldn't stop chasing and pushing the other one
My two were quite chasey when I first got them. I guessed that it was having to assert dominance in a new place.

Jingle was the chaser and Mistletoe was the squealer. They are fine now. They rarely cuddle up and no chasing.

Perhaps more space would be good? Could you open up their cage and put a pen round it?
Put them in the run together for a bit then put back in there cage! Where abouts are you from? I have loads of c&c grids for sale if your close x
My two were quite chasey when I first got them. I guessed that it was having to assert dominance in a new place.

Jingle was the chaser and Mistletoe was the squealer. They are fine now. They rarely cuddle up and no chasing.

Perhaps more space would be good? Could you open up their cage and put a pen round it?
They have the whole run of a double bedroom. They're fine when they are in the room. It's when they are in the cage. X
Put them in the run together for a bit then put back in there cage! Where abouts are you from? I have loads of c&c grids for sale if your close x
They've been running around he room for 3 hours now perfectly happy. No arguments. I'm going to put them back in the cage together and see how they get on. I live in east grinstead West Sussex? Xx
They have the whole run of a double bedroom. They're fine when they are in the room. It's when they are in the cage. X

I realise that which is why i suggested that you make a pen so that they do not have to be shut in the cage.