New Born Pup
Hi. I'm new. I'm really worried and need advice. I have two female guibeas. They are around 7 weeks old. One of them keeps continually chasing the other and trying to bite her. It's been happening since we got them just over a week ago. It did seem to get better but today has been relentless. They other one squeals as soon as she starts coming near her. When out the cage and running around the room which is set up with loads of boxes and hide outs. They get on fine. When holding them together they are fine. Some times in the cage they will sit next to each other fine. However most of the time they are in separate houses. If the more dominant one is eating and the other goes up for food she chases her away. Today she hasn't left her alone so I've now separated them.
They are 100% both girls.
They have a 120cm cage with 2 levels plus a feeding station level. They have two separate houses. 2 food bowls and two water bottles.
They are from the same litter and have been together the whole time.
I've rang the pet shop who told me I may have to separate them and get another cage and 2 more guinea pigs to keep them company! I obviously would rather not do this. I have for the time being set them up on a level each. Please help. I feel really stressed by it. What can I do? How long should I leave them separated?
Thank you
They are 100% both girls.
They have a 120cm cage with 2 levels plus a feeding station level. They have two separate houses. 2 food bowls and two water bottles.
They are from the same litter and have been together the whole time.
I've rang the pet shop who told me I may have to separate them and get another cage and 2 more guinea pigs to keep them company! I obviously would rather not do this. I have for the time being set them up on a level each. Please help. I feel really stressed by it. What can I do? How long should I leave them separated?
Thank you