Neutered Guinea Pig Scared Of Me

Anna Perry

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 20, 2017
Reaction score
i got my guinea pig neutered just over a week ago. Before the operation he would come up to the side of his cage and would let me stroke him most of the time, however he would sometimes run away if I didn't let his smell my hand before I touched him. Ever since his operation he's been terrified of me. If he smells my hand he'll run to the other end of his cage and hide. Is this change in behaviour normal and will it go back to how it was before the operation?
Hmmmmm, How long have you had him?
is it possible that at home you are using a soap which smells similar to the one used at the vet clinic? it happened a similar story here in my building where some cats live and are neutered. After the op one of them started refusing cuddles from a neighbour who works as a nurse in a hospital... the cat runs aways from him...
and my piggies refused my cuddles the day when I changed my bath soap... (now I am using the old one which is also theirs...:D)
is it possible that at home you are using a soap which smells similar to the one used at the vet clinic? it happened a similar story here in my building where some cats live and are neutered. After the op one of them started refusing cuddles from a neighbour who works as a nurse in a hospital... the cat runs aways from him...
and my piggies refused my cuddles the day when I changed my bath soap... (now I am using the old one which is also theirs...:D)
That's very interesting! I will definitely try changing my soap and the scent of what I wash my clothes with, hopefully that helps! Thank you
Sometimes pigs will get spooked by a traumatic experience, like a vet visit. One of my pigs recently decided she wasn't happy with me after I had to give her a course of antibiotics. Hopefully he will settle down with some time to recover and forget the scary vet incident!