Nervous about intoductions

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Whoops, forgot to put Hosters full shot on!

Here it is
Hey they are gorgeous, do you have to trim harrys hair? He has a very neat cut he he xx
It grows an inch a month! I'm a rubbish barber though, I try not to take any photos of them for a couple of days after a haircut :))
AWWW - they are all so gorgeous!

Hoster doesn't look especially pregnant to me, but keep her weight monitored.
If she were pregnant, at that stage she should be very thirsty. the belly would bow out just before the hind legs in the later stages; you would also feel any hard balls, I you gently feel her belly when she sits on your hand.

Some girls are just chunky - look at my Nerys, guaranteed NOT pregnant, though she has given me the odd moment of panic!
Ah thanks :)

Hosters not drinking hardly anything so maybe it's just my imagination going into overdrive, I can feel 2 lumps on either side of her tummy but I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for, it could just be her lunch for all I know! When would I know for definite? I'm worried about picking her up just in case she is. I'll weigh her tonight when the kids have gone to bed.
She weighs 1300g, is that within the normal range? If she were pregnant how much would she put on in a week?

Piggy family very much settled down now by the way, Hermione is still looking a bit glum in the corner but she's still eating and having a wander round so she's getting there :) x
I'm going to be doing my own introductions soon hopefully to bond my two pairs of piggies into a group of four. I posted my own thread about it

but then had a look at older threads and came accross this. Is good to know that you had all the same feelings as I do at the moment! I am so worried that one is going to get injured but then I don't want to intervene and ruin the bonding.

Its good to read through the thread and see that you got a happy ending and definately makes me feel more confident!
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