Cute name.Sparkles my little boy named her
When did you realise her feet were like that?I got her off someone and the lady said she was an only child? I’ve had her about 3 weeks now
And then you realised she doesn't have any toes, let alone nails.Today I went to check if there nails needed cutting
Don't worry. Just go to a vet and see what they suggest.Yes I knowit’s so strange I’m worried now
Yes I knowit’s so strange I’m worried now
Yes she has back nails but no front
I’m sure she’ll be fine if she’s been coping up to now, just make sure to keep her on fleece and vet bed etc so she doesn’t irritate the skin or get sore etc. Definitely have a read of Wiebke’s guide she’s mentioned above.Hey everyone I’ve just come back sparkles has only formed up to her ankles on both front feetshe said I need to keep her on soft floor at all times and if she gets sore or any ulcers on them she will have to be put down
so sad thanks for all your help anyway