Nail Trimming


Mar 10, 2025
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My Guinea pig nails need to be cut but I have no idea how to cut them. I need some help and fast before there nails grow to long. The only thing I know is if you cut them to far there nails will start to bleed, and then I have no idea what to do about that.
It would be very helpful if someone could replay to this message to help me out.
Welcome to the forum. If you are uncertain about doing their nails there's no shame in getting them done by the vet. They will get a check up at the same time too.
I had guinea pigs for 16 years and apart from during lockdown when vets wasn’t doing routine appointments, I always took my guinea pigs to the vets to have their nails cut. The bonus was that they got a quick check over while there

If you’re unsure about doing them yourself, I advise you take them to the vets. The vet or vet nurse will show you how to do them for if you want to do them yourself in the future x
I would rather not take them to the vet. If there was a way to do it at home that would be great
Hi we cut our guineas at the house and half of them have dark nails keep some styptic powder on hand just incase you cut too short and in my opinion little and quite often is best especially with black nails. It is a worrying as such but your confidence does grow 💐