Nail Polish And Guinea Pigs


New Born Pup
Aug 6, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I have a kind of a problem here.

I did my nails a few days ago and now my guinea pigs does not want me to kind of touch him. He also doesn't want to cuddle anymore.

Will it be my nail polish be the reason for that?

Or is it just that he wants to go "home"? If it is to go pee, how do I time it to take him out and have a nice cuddle?
My piggies never cared at all about my nail varnish especially if it's not newly painted . Piggies in general just dont like being cuddles and sometimes we've got to consider what they want even if we just want to snatch them up and cuddle them all day haha! They are much happier to be hand fed from their cage which associates you with something nice instead of something scary so perhaps try bonding that way?
My Ollie tends to like a cuddle often, else he gives me the silent treatment :xd: - but like PiggieNinja said, sometimes a piggie does not want to cuddle as it can stress them or make them feel uncomfortable. My other boar, Biscuit, dislikes coming out of his cage and becomes agitated if he is touched when he is not in his cage. Your guinea pig may just be feeling stressed so try spending time with you pig whilst he/she is in his/her cage and over time you piggie may feel more comfortable outside his/her cage.
My pigs hate if I use a different hand soap and won't always take food from me. Maybe they don't like the smell?
My Guinea Pigs sometimes get moody with me if ive got something strongly smelling like nail varnish or perfume going on so maybe they don't like the smell! :)