karenrgpr said:Sorry for pignapping your post Cherylbut I'm not near enough to pignap anything else... ;D
No problem Karen, the more people that know about their potential problems the better

karenrgpr said:Sorry for pignapping your post Cherylbut I'm not near enough to pignap anything else... ;D
karenrgpr said:My main concern in this is that members of the public are informed about it, and vets as well.
hils78 said:karenrgpr said:My main concern in this is that members of the public are informed about it, and vets as well.
Last Autumn I went to a kids farm near me with attatched pet shop called White Post Farm, in the pet shop they had for sale a PEW satin fortunately it was a boar because I would have had him then & there if it was a sow! I asked the woman if she knew about OD etc & she didn;t, it was them who had bred them too :o Fortunately she was very receptive to info & said she was going to look into it when she got home to her computer. I've not seen another satin in there since. It was refreshing to talk to a 'pet shop person' who was so open & willing to hear some info rather than the usual know it all. Must admit I bet thats how I must have come over!