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My poor piggy has a pooy bum

  • Thread starter Thread starter eddieiscool
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I have recently had to de-louse my piggie because he had mites and used a neem oil mixture, which had been recommended to me. The neem oil mixture really worked and he hasn't any mites now. However, he has recently started getting soft poos that are long, as well as poo around his anus. I'm not sure if the two are related and I am going to take him to the vet's as soon as possible. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone could suggest something which might help poor little Eddie or maybe tell me what might be wrong with him. I'm reluctant to use anti-biotics if the vet recommends them because I have heard that they cause more problems then they solve.

All tip and hints are welcome...
don't feed him any rich green foods such as cabbage/lettuce/grass, and lay off anything else as well, pepper, cucumber, tomato, etc
just feed him tons of hay and his dry food for a few days, see if it improves.
Thanks for that! I will certainly give that a go and see how he gets on!
antibiotics are fine if the vet gives a probiotic to protect the piggies tummy. our zoe has soft poops for 6 months with illness, surgery, antibiotics and she was on hay, grass, dry food for that time plus probiotics now again until her gut flora returned to normal. hoping eddie's little poops return to normal, you may want to boil some water let it cool and syringe water into him around 4 times a day so he doesn't get dehydrated. welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending hugs and healing vibes to you and eddie :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* does eddie have a friend as they are pack animals? what is his poops like?

Thanks as well for the advice! Eddie has a friend called Copernicus, who I think is his brother. They were rescue pigs so we're not sure about thier history. I've just fed Eddie dried foods and hay today, and he's drinking loads of water by himself. That seems to have done the trick for the time being and he's currently taking a well-deserved nap!
Just to let you all know, Eddie is now fine and his ailment has been cured. He is now back on his veg and was very happy yesterday when I fed him his broccoli for the first time in 2 days!
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