My Pigs Hate Me:(

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Just have to point out that one of my nicest most friendly pigs was very neglected before i got him. Not actual abuse as that implies deliberate cruelty but horrible neglect. He was great! And became so trusting.
They shouldn't be going out until May time-ish - once the weather has got warmer. And make sure you have adequate provisions for them and a plan in place for next winter.
I've made sure that the temperature is going to be fine for them and have adequate provisions aswell.
Hi there

I dont want to appear critical, but you may run into problems with that hutch as its very small and two piggies may begin fighting if confined to such a small space. I know you have a large omlet run which is great but when the weather is bad, and at night, you will want to shut the away in the hutch big and it will be too small. The set up is great as a run and hidey house though! If you have another larger (120 cm long as minimum) hutch for them to actually live in.

I looked at the omlet houses for chickens as I am considering keeping some in my garden and was disappointed at how small they were for the money.
I'm happy with the size of it as I have kept guinea pigs in them before and they have loved it. Also my neighbour has over 50 guineapigs loving in various eglu sand she has never had any trouble with fighting. Also guineapigs are not nocturnal animals and mine sleep through the night snuggled up to each other so I can't see myself running into any problems with this hutch if I'm honest Also there 20metre by 20 metre enclosed run is enough to house 20-30 guinea pigs so they will have plenty enough space, but thanks for your concern.
If they live outside you can't bring them in and out as they can't cope with the temperature change and I agree that the hutch part is too small and will cause them to fight.Dearer is not always best.There will be times when they need shut in (at night and bad weather).Could you have them inside on that hutch and run then they could have the run of all of it all the time.
I won't need to bring them inside I can play with them outside. And I agree dearer isn't always best but I wouldn't have spent that sort of money if I didn't think it was. I don't think they should be inside which is why they are going in a warm outside hutch, run and enclosure.
I got my girls in November, Spook (the one with the ginger face) has been quite friendly for a while, but still isn't too fond on being picked up, Smaug usually hides when she hears me come in the room, but today let me fuss her whilst sitting in her cage (her not me :D).
I've never had piggy pets before so I'm still learning myself, but it would seem patience is the key. And food. Find something they REALLY like and while they eat it, talk to them. They associate the sound of your voice with tasty food and end up liking you! (Mine enjoy carrots and couch grass rhizomes.)
Thanks very much, sounds just like my piggies! Yes I'm still on the hunt for things they love and at the moment it's celery and peppers!
At 80 cm it is below the RSPCA guidelines of 120 cm.
Yes but there enclosure which they can sleep in is 20METERS by 20METERS! And I know what the RSPCA guidelines are but my guinea pigs like to snuggle up and so for them the smaller the better.
But they cannot sleep in the enclosure unless it is summer or are they kept in a shed?
Good luck, i hope it all works out the way you want it too.
Lucky you having quiet pigs who sleep at night! Mine wheek, popcorn, run piggy laps of the cage and generally create mayhem all night ;)
Ah. I get it. I thought they were in the garden just in the omlet!
Nope but knowing them they will choose to sleep in the omlet not the enclosure! They are strange piggies and like to confine themselves!
Good luck, i hope it all works out the way you want it too.
Lucky you having quiet pigs who sleep at night! Mine wheek, popcorn, run piggy laps of the cage and generally create mayhem all night ;)
Haha mine do all of that at exactly 7:30 every morning and don't stop till about 9:00!
My pig was very skittish when I first got him, it took him weeks before he stopped running in to his house every time we as much as looked in his direction. After about two months of no improvement I thought he hated us as well. But then I started giving him veggies and just sitting right next to the cage, and he would slowly come out and eat with me there. After that I started resting my hand on the cage after giving him treats, and he got used to my hand being around. Finally I started hand feeding him and then it went quick. I've had him for about 6 months now and he will sit with his paws up on the cage looking out wheeking demanding food now. He's still not keen on out time, he's alright sitting on us but he hates being on the floor.
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