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Dental My piggy wont eat hay or drink water


New Born Pup
Jan 21, 2021
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Hello my cookie is 4 year about 3 week ago he had get his tooth filled down every scene that he wan't eat hay or water from the bottle that was the reason I took him to vet his teeth was getting long she filled down I went back today to look at him he want eat his hay or water from his bottle to find out he have a loose tooth that why he having a problem but the vet said his back tooth are good if I cut his veggies in small pice he will eat it if he won't eat his hay is veggies enough I gave him critical care in the morning about 10am I leave veggies down for him then when I come home from work at 10pm I give more critical care and water with
syringe Andy ideal on any solf food I can give him when I'm at work I worry about no one home hubby at work kids at school the veggies I feed him is Kale green bell peper Romina a little watermelon how do I know if he getting enough water I was going get my daughter to give cookie water when she get home at 5pm
Any idea will help
Hay (fibre) is the most important part of their diet and without it a piggy is going to become poorly. Not eating hay will also result in overgrowth of teeth again. Veggies alone are not enough. If your piggy is not eating hay for himself, the he must be syringe fed a fibre rich recovery feed regularly. You will need to weigh him daily to ensure he is getting enough food - if he loses weight then you need to syringe feed more. You are aiming to give him 90ml of recovery feed in every 24 hour period. Syringe feeding him twice a day is not going to be enough - he could need to be syringe fed every couple of hours throughout the day (and potentially needs to be fed once or twice in the night as well) - is there somebody who is going to be able to do that while you aren’t at work. As I said though, his weight is your guide to how much to feed him. Weigh him at the same time every day
You can also give him fresh grass as that will also help wear his teeth. Grass is their natural food source.

Is your vet cavy savvy? Unfortunately a vet who is not experienced in piggy dentals (and sadly most arent) can make a dental issue worse if they file incorrectly. Is your vet going to do anything about the tooth?

As a side note, kale is not suitable to be fed every day as it is too high in calcium and can lead to health issues. Watermelon should only be given as an occasional treat due to the sugars.

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Hay (fibre) is the most important part of their diet and without it a piggy is going to become poorly. Not eating hay will also result in overgrowth of teeth again. Veggies alone are not enough. If your piggy is not eating hay for himself, the he must be syringe fed a fibre rich recovery feed regularly. You will need to weigh him daily to ensure he is getting enough food - if he loses weight then you need to syringe feed more. You are aiming to give him 90ml of recovery feed in every 24 hour period. Syringe feeding him twice a day is not going to be enough - he could need to be syringe fed every couple of hours throughout the day (and potentially needs to be fed once or twice in the night as well) - is there somebody who is going to be able to do that while you aren’t at work. As I said though, his weight is your guide to how much to feed him. Weigh him at the same time every day
You can also give him fresh grass as that will also help wear his teeth. Grass is their natural food source.

Is your vet cavy savvy? Unfortunately a vet who is not experienced in piggy dentals (and sadly most arent) can make a dental issue worse if they file incorrectly. Is your vet going to do anything about the tooth?

As a side note, kale is not suitable to be fed every day as it is too high in calcium and can lead to health issues. Watermelon should only be given as an occasional treat due to the sugars.

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Weight - Monitoring and Management
My vet said there nothing she can do with the loose tooth what I had learned over the years of having pigs here in FL I have not fine no one know Guinea this I just found she seem know more then the other vets had in past I had been feeling him food 3 time a day morning about 10am then when my Daughter get home about 3 then when I get home at night then I feed him at night when I told the vet she that should be ok because of his teeth I was going get him a 2 or 3 cut hay I was reading said its soft or do you think the flash hey will be good thank you
If he has a problem with his teeth then he is could struggle to eat hay regardless of the type you give him. Youll just have to try. Have you tried giving him fresh grass?
Are you weighing him? If not, please weigh him daily to monitor his food intake. Any weight loss and youll need to syringe feed more often