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I called into P@H yesterday to tell them that one of their pigs was sick and initially I thought they were going to do something but alas I was wrong.... I thought at least they would check out the other little rex as I assumed they must have come from the same litter...... Even if it was just to appease me I thought they should have checked but they didn't. One girl told me it was because he was being kept inside (eh !) ....lack of ventilation I think she said 98)

Anyway he is now housed in a little Tuffcrate with a fold over lid ( have a spare cage but wanted to be able to clean and to easily and quickly put new bedding and stuff in without he hassle of a large cage for a 6 week old baby) and that way there are NO draughts can get in and I can put over half the lid to give him some shade. He has his little microwave heatpad thingy loads of hay and I got some carefresh for underneath. Not used that before is it any good ? I put him in another room where he has peace and quiet and it is nice and warm. I have been giving him cucumber and carrot which he is eating and then I refill his bowl.....he has nuggets too but he doesn't seem to be bothering too much with those. Hardly drinking....marked his bottle and the water hasn't gone down but I guess there is loads of water in cucumber and he is eating a fair bit of that.

This morning he seems much brighter and his breathing is fingers crossed eh :)

And yes I did put him straight into the cage with the other but I should have known and of course it is a lesson well learnt !

Thank you so much for all your's really appreciated because most other people think I am like some mad cat lady ;D

The tuffcrate by the way has been a triumph as a little hospital set up....light and easy enough to move around...simple to just chuck out old bedding and replace...The water bottle was a worry but I stuck it on the inside of the tuffcrate with good old Ducktape..... will send a picture later and you can see how well Bumble is doing
WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is fabulous news :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Great idea using the crate thing.... sounds like he'll be a happy little one in there whilst recovering O0
I can't believe what you were told OMG some people should not be near animals should they >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Could he go back into a room where he could at least talk to the piggies to keep him company :-\ :-\ :-\ just a thought :)
Gosh you're not mad, just a loving mummy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Would love to see a piccie of little Bumble awwwww more healing wheeks coming little Bumble's way :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

I ususally keep their bags of food in this crate..... handy as a hospital room now

He is looking a little better I think ... although he still has that sad look
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: wonderful setup love O0 O0 O0
Look at all those treats yum yum :) :) lol can see the duct tape brilliant stuff eh ;D ;D ;D
Does Bumble like anyother veggies ? ?
I'm sure once he's feeling a bit better he'll look perkier again :) :) :) :) :) :)
awwww he's soooo gorgeous *PIGNAAP* >:D :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: gorgeous :smitten: :smitten:
anyway your setup looks great, what a good idea! And yummy food there :smitten: :smitten:
Glad your little one seems to have perked up a bit i hope he continues to get better :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
How's he this morning? :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: ((HUGS AND PIGGIE KISSES)) :smitten: :smitten: :-* :-*
Oh yeah and as for p@h! :P 98) Draughty in the house? Well i know there can be draughts in a house, but if he was kept outside it would be more likely! 98) :smitten: :smitten:
No you picked me up wrong about P@H.... they said there wasn't enough ventilation indoors...... he would be better off outdoors in their opinion......

6 weeks old (ish) ...... forecast for heavy wind and rain and maybe snow .... quite poorly .... ...yep sounds like a good idea to put this little one outside now doesn't it .......NOT ! :tickedoff:
a very ingenous set up, he looks much better than before. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: the more i hear of P&H the more amazed i am they are still in business :tickedoff: fancy saying it was your fault that bumble got sick-cause not enough air inside, i would have gone down there with a note written by the vet, but then i suppose they'll say he must have been sick before P&H got him :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: so glad bumble has a loving piggy mum and can only hope the other piggy in the store finds a loving home and gets vet treatment :'( :'( :'( :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending hugs and cuddles to you and brimble :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
My poor Bumble had absolutely nothing to eat or drink yesterday....nothing. :'( And so far today he has eaten nothing... :-\ however I did manage to get him to drink a tiny amount of water.

I am so worried....he is taking his medicine okay at least. Nothing is tempting him to eat....Any suggestions please as I am getting desperate.

He is at least warm and snuggly.... but I've not seen him lie down or relax yet or indeed I've never heard him mutter a single noise other than the faint clicking sound from his chest.

Any ideas/suggestions .... anyone ?
Have you tried syringe feeding him? If he isn't eating on his own you have to do that every 1/2 hours. Has he lost much more weight? :(
Interestingly his weight seems to go up and down like a yo yo.....Hes was 387 last Monday...Wed pm he was 378..... Thursday he was 400 (confirmed at I know my scales are pretty near)...Friday morning he was 407....but this morning he was back down to 397.

I just walked in and he was doing the strangest thing. His whole body was heaving the way a cat does when its about to vomit or puke up a hairball..... he did this for around a minute and then just cough or hiccup or vomit (which I know they're not supposed to be able to do)....

Any ideas ?
poor mr bumble he looks so sad :'( poor little boy he is such a cute piggy. if you dont have any syringe food, i think you can mush up his pellets in water and syringe feed him that so he is getting some food if you dont have CC.

i hope he gets better soon :'( :'(

P@H are a nightmare, have you tried emailing their head office and making a big complaint, you should make them pay your vet bills since he is so ill :tickedoff:
Maybe he is feeling some mucas on his chest? Poor little man. Yep do what Lez suggested you will get a full refund and vet fees paid for as long as you have the receipt. :)
I read in Peter Gurneys book about holding piggy upside down to make mucus drain from the chest and I have tried this several times.... He does occasionally give a feeble attempt at a cough but I don't think there is much on his chest.... he's not doing the clicking noise so much anymore. And his breathing is def not so laboured so i guess that is good..... but he needs to eat. I have one sachet of Critical Care so I'm going to divide it up into maybe 4 portions and try and make it last over the weekend. Can you buy this stuff anywhere ?
You can buy it at a vets, not sure if the PDSA would stock it may be worth a ring if you run out over the holiday. You can buy online at SPH and I'm sure Thistle Cavies do it at the top of my head. :)
hoping mr bumble starts eating soon. sending hugs and cuddles to you both and the girls send :-* :-* :-* wishing you a happy easter and may gods love give you comfort. 0:) 0:) 0:) :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: really hoping he picks up soon. please keep us posted. :smitten:
yyoung said:
I read in Peter Gurneys book about holding piggy upside down to make mucus drain from the chest and I have tried this several times.... He does occasionally give a feeble attempt at a cough but I don't think there is much on his chest.... he's not doing the clicking noise so much anymore. And his breathing is def not so laboured so i guess that is good..... but he needs to eat. I have one sachet of Critical Care so I'm going to divide it up into maybe 4 portions and try and make it last over the weekend. Can you buy this stuff anywhere ?

if you dont have enough critical care you could mush up his pellets into some cooled boiled water and syringe feed that?
Bumble has been great at taking his feed through the syringe and he has even started to eat a little..... but he still seems out of this normal ? when would it be normal to see him better ?

I weighed him today and he is 420 grams which is a huge improvement. But his breathing is still odd I think.
glad to hear bumble has put on weight and is eating a little. as for when he will get better i'm not sure but i would say like most things it would be an individual thing. i would think it depends on the piggy and how bad the infection was. if you are still concerned with him then talk to your vet tuesday and discuss it with them. your instincts have been right so far so you go with them. sending you hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* give him a cuddle from me. :smitten:
Actually.... I just put Bumble back in with Hamish and Pickles just to see what happened .... I piled in a load of fresh spinach, cucumber, grapes, sweetcorn and carrots and a big pile of hay and then I stood back and watched........ Bumble was getting stuck into the food and the hay.... O0

Do you think we may have turned a corner ? He had been on his own in his little hospital box for 4 days and I wondered if he would like some company... Bumble is making those little guinea pig grunting sounds now and I have not heard him make a single noise before today.

My question now is .... do you think I should leave him in with the boys or put him back into his hospital box for a few more days ?

Haven't had to syringe feed him tonight....hurray :)
Maybe he was a bit lonely? If he gets on well with them and it's helping him eat, absolutely leave him! I have a piggy that doesn't eat AT ALL if he's on his own (big wuss that he is).
great that bumble is back with his feeds and getting tucked into his tucker. hoping this is the start to the road of improvement. sending hugs and cuddles to you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* give bumble a hug from me. if you are concerned you could put bumbles cage next to hamish and pickles so they can see and smell eachother, but i really think bumbles is happy and eating. good luck. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
When I went to bed last night I popped in to check on my lot and noticed that poor Bumble was sitting on his own.... outside the little house. So I put him back into his hospital box for the night so that I could watch things today.

This morning I put him back with Hamish and Pickles. What a commotion.... just general bickering and grunting and Hamish trying hard to prove he his the head of that cage ;) I put in lots of fresh stuff and they bickered and squabbled over the lot..... problem is the two babies (Pickles and Bumble) seem to be head butting each other and generally not getting on. Going to leave them and observe. It seems to have settled down a bit now in there. Have took the house out so that I can see exactly what is going on and so Bumble doesn't get left out on his own again. But to be honest he must be feeling better as he stands his ground well and is in fact a little bit of a bully....maybe he is just trying to prove he is not a pushover.....

He is still breathing funny though...... you'd think he had run a marathon or something....even at rest :-\
hoping the boys settle down though have heard 3 boars are hard to bond. hoping bumble starts to feel better soon. sending hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* to your 3 boys. if you're still not happy with bumbles breathing perhaps take him back to the vet? just a thought. sending prayers, hope things improve.
Do you think I might have to get another baby boy to bond with Bumble then ? Oh dear what a hardship :D

Actually the mother and two baby girls that are in one cage are not getting on that well with one of them ..... the prettiest one....I think the other two are jealous ;D Might I have to get another baby girl to go with the pretty outcast one too ?

Oh dear OH will not be happy ::)
I've only just caught up with this. He is a stunning piggie. How is he now? Sending him loads of healing xx
perhaps you could get a male desexed(castrated sp) and bond with a female, or you could go out and find another male for bumble and a girly for the pretty one ;) ;) ;) perhaps try a rescue so you can take bumble and the pretty girly to find a friend. hoping bumble gets better and that OH understands piggies need friends and that you can't force them to like each other :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: hugs and cuddles to bumble, boys and girlies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
I've left Bumble in with Hamish and Pickles today and he seems to be eating okay.... just given them another big bowl of lovely fresh stuff and they are all getting stuck in. When you look at Bumble like this you would never guess he was ill.... but it's when he is just resting that his breathing is looking peculiar. He is definetley more animated than I've seen him since I got him and more vocal. He is such a devil too..... fighting over the cucumber with Hamish even though there are other pieces in the bowl. He's had the last of his medicine so I guess I shall keep a watchful eye over him for the next day or two and then maybe pop back to the vets to get him checked over. I think he looking better....well better than he was. In all honesty I thought he wouldn't make it through the night on Friday so this is great.
And he certainly isn't as placid anymore. Makes no apologies for headbutting my hand when he is getting a cuddle to tell me he's had enough :)
Just thought I'd update everyone about Bumble. I took him to the vets tonight and they are saying that his breathing sounds good. He has put on weight every day and now weighs 447grams which is great. He is back in with the others and eating well on his own without having to be tempted. How good is that then ?

Heres hoping he does indeed make a full recovery.... got a few more days medicine but he should be okay after that. He does still look odd when he is breathing....kind of bobs gently up and down. Maybe thats just the way he breathes :)

Many thanks to everyone for their kind wishes and support.
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