my new guinea pig isn’t eating or drinking.

hi last night she was very loud, i could hear her munching on her pellets, hay , and drinking jew water (it was very loud), i also saw her running round the cage, and sitting in various places in the cage, which is great because i think she’s getting more confident.
in another corner of the cage i found lots of poops, they all vary in colour and i took a photo with the flash on —-> does it look normal? she’s 13 weeks btw
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I'm glad she's eating, drinking, and playing! The poops look good to me. They're pretty wet which means she's getting enough water, and that's pretty much how my 14 week guinea pig's poops looked! They look good in size too! :)
my guinea pig is making these weird noises, it’s not a squeak but it’s like a rumbling noise... i’m not near the cage, she’s munching on some hay in her hide house, is there anyone who might know what the noise means? is it a happy or scared one...?
my guinea pig is making these weird noises, it’s not a squeak but it’s like a rumbling noise... i’m not near the cage, she’s munching on some hay in her hide house, is there anyone who might know what the noise means? is it a happy or scared one...?
i got the noise on video but i dont know how to post it
my guinea pig is making these weird noises, it’s not a squeak but it’s like a rumbling noise... i’m not near the cage, she’s munching on some hay in her hide house, is there anyone who might know what the noise means? is it a happy or scared one...?
I think it's a pretty happy one! Does it sound almost like a purr? Cocoa purrs all the time!

You can also watch a video with guinea pig sounds and what they mean!
This one is helpful for me!
If it's like a little rumbling noise it might be that something has disturbed her and she is brave enough to mention it! Perhaps a sudden noise like a cough or sneeze, even in the other room. My boy rumbles when I get pans out to cook because his ears are sensitive - the others don't seem to care.
If it's like a little rumbling noise it might be that something has disturbed her and she is brave enough to mention it! Perhaps a sudden noise like a cough or sneeze, even in the other room. My boy rumbles when I get pans out to cook because his ears are sensitive - the others don't seem to care.
yes i’m guessing it probably was a rumble, i’ve watched a few video “about guinea pig sounds” i can’t seem to find the noise...
hi! is this normal? my guinea pig was in her hide house all day, eating hay and some pellets and veg i put inside for her, however now in the night for the past two days, she’s been leaving her hide house ( which is great) but she’s also really loud... i don’t mind the sound of her eating or drinking, because everyone needs to eat and drink even piggies, but she’s making squeaky noises for no reason... she’s also waking me up at least 2-3 times a night , which is completely fine because pigs obviously do that but is there a way i could prevent all the squeaks at night? is the squeaks a sign of something? thank you :)
Yes it’s normal. It may be she’s crying out to see if there’s another piggy. Or trying to get your attention. You need to get her a friend as soon as possible. She’s definitely too young to be alone, even more so if she lived another 7 years.
:agr: She’s trying to communicate with another guinea pig.
There is nothing you can do to prevent her doing it all night though. They can be noisy little creatures!
hi! this is great! my piggies do the same thing! they'll often do that when they feel more safe & when people are still and not getting up and walking around etc., so they'll often do it at night! this means that she's starting to settle in & feel more comfortable. it's even better that she's squeaking! usually, when cavies squeak consistently and there doesn't seem to be any apparent reason, that probably means that they're pretty content/happy! they just do it as a little background noise when they're eating and playing. however, it can be a little bit annoying aha. unfortunately, there's not anything you can do about it. i'm sorry you may not be sleeping great :( my piggy used to wake me up when drinking water because it was so loud lol. i'm sorry i couldn't be of more help though :(( i hope your sleep gets better!
hi! this is great! my piggies do the same thing! they'll often do that when they feel more safe & when people are still and not getting up and walking around etc., so they'll often do it at night! this means that she's starting to settle in & feel more comfortable. it's even better that she's squeaking! usually, when cavies squeak consistently and there doesn't seem to be any apparent reason, that probably means that they're pretty content/happy! they just do it as a little background noise when they're eating and playing. however, it can be a little bit annoying aha. unfortunately, there's not anything you can do about it. i'm sorry you may not be sleeping great :( my piggy used to wake me up when drinking water because it was so loud lol. i'm sorry i couldn't be of more help though :(( i hope your sleep gets better!
thanks for your help!
good morning everyone. She has been coming out of her cage every night , not in the day , but in the night she’s eating her pellets, drinking, and eating veggies! i’ve noticed that she only ever eats the cucumber and not any romaine lettuce, or anything else in the bowl... when she sees me refilling the bowl with fresh veggies in the day and sees me put the cucumber in she goes crazy and happy, she leaves the cage to walk over to the bowl, eats the cucumber, and walk back to her hide house... is there any reason why she’s only eating cucumber from the variety of other veggies she’s getting?
good morning everyone. She has been coming out of her cage every night , not in the day , but in the night she’s eating her pellets, drinking, and eating veggies! i’ve noticed that she only ever eats the cucumber and not any romaine lettuce, or anything else in the bowl... when she sees me refilling the bowl with fresh veggies in the day and sees me put the cucumber in she goes crazy and happy, she leaves the cage to walk over to the bowl, eats the cucumber, and walk back to her hide house... is there any reason why she’s only eating cucumber from the variety of other veggies she’s getting?

My piggy did that when she was still alone and feeling lonely (we were waiting for her friend to arrive). I ended up sleeping next to her cage every night until she got a friend.

Do try to get your piggy a friend as soon as possible, though. They don’t want to be alone.

Edit: I quoted the wrong question! >.<
good morning everyone. She has been coming out of her cage every night , not in the day , but in the night she’s eating her pellets, drinking, and eating veggies! i’ve noticed that she only ever eats the cucumber and not any romaine lettuce, or anything else in the bowl... when she sees me refilling the bowl with fresh veggies in the day and sees me put the cucumber in she goes crazy and happy, she leaves the cage to walk over to the bowl, eats the cucumber, and walk back to her hide house... is there any reason why she’s only eating cucumber from the variety of other veggies she’s getting?

my piggies mostly come out in the night as well. they do that when they're still getting used to you and your surroundings, so don't worry about that. she'll eventually settle in more and come out during the day! piggies are often very picky. i got my piggies last saturday and they still aren't eating any veggies. that's normal, and it's actually good that she's eating some veggies! however, even if your guinea pig is eating a cup of cucumbers every day, she's only getting about 26% of her daily vitamin c. so until you can get your piggy to eat more veggies, i'd recommend feeding her vitamin c tablets! i recommend oxbow natural science vitamin c tabs. you should find them on amazon!

my piggies mostly come out in the night as well. they do that when they're still getting used to you and your surroundings, so don't worry about that. she'll eventually settle in more and come out during the day! piggies are often very picky. i got my piggies last saturday and they still aren't eating any veggies. that's normal, and it's actually good that she's eating some veggies! however, even if your guinea pig is eating a cup of cucumbers every day, she's only getting about 26% of her daily vitamin c. so until you can get your piggy to eat more veggies, i'd recommend feeding her vitamin c tablets! i recommend oxbow natural science vitamin c tabs. you should find them on amazon!
ok i’ll definitely purchase those and try them out! thank you for your help